AdvisoryU.S.DepartmentofTransportationFederalAviationAdministrationCircularSubject:VoluntaryIndustryDistributorDate:5/27/15ACNo:00-56B AccreditationProgram Initiatedby:AFS-300Change:1.PURPOSE.Thisadvisorycircular(AC)describesasystemforaccreditingcivilaircraftpartsdistributorsbasedonvoluntaryindustryoversight.TheACalso...
FAA Advisory Circular 00-56B establishes accreditation of a civil aircraft distributor's quality system by a third-party accreditation program, and conveys an assurance that the parts a customer receives are of the quality stated, the appropriate documentation is on file at the distributor's place...
FAA advisory circular addresses instrument rating practical test standards
FAA Advisory Circular If you've ever had trouble interpreting a federal aviation regulation, then you may have found some clarification in an advisory circular. FARs can be so complex — they're written in legal language that many aviation experts cannot decipher clearly, not to mention they're...
A. Advisory circular must always be carried out on aircraft. B. Advisory circular is the procedure that must be used when performing maintenance on an C. FAA provides advisory circular which is not always carried out on aircraft.如何将EXCEL生成题库手机刷题 如何...
1. PURPOSE. This Advisory Circular (AC) contains guidance (test methods, acceptance criteria, and process changes) for qualifying alternative chemical agents and/or processes used in depainting or general cleaning of aviation products. Like all AC material, this AC in itself is not mandatory,...
The inspector should advise the applicant to review and understand the current edition of Advisory Circular (AC) 187-1, Flight Standards Service Schedule of Charges Outside the United States. 3. The IFO manager, or the authorized designee, must evaluate the complexity of the proposed operation....
题目:确保孔的直径小于规定的值。 A. Ensure that the porosity is less than the specified error.B. Ensure that the depth of the hole conforms to the specified value.C. Make sure that the diameter of the hole is less th...
The new Advisory Circular extends the system found successful in achieving flight safety to air traffic control, navigational aids, and ground support equipment and systems.doi:10.1080/00224065.1974.11980648Dana E. LindenJournal of Quality Technology...