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[6]Unicef/Unu/WhoCompositionofamulti⁃micronutrientsup⁃plementtobeusedinpilotprogrammesamongpregnantwomenindevelopingcountriesNewYork,1999 [7]KeatsEC,HaiderBA,TamE,etalMultiple⁃micronutrientsupplementationforwomenduringpregnancy[J].TheCo⁃chrane...
x:Object > DependencyObject > ContentElement > FrameworkContentElement > FlowDocument, IInputElement (usage) Block*
3 Determination the composition of CT complex by slope 2 3. 3 反应机理初探 马来酸氯本那敏分子中的两个氮原子各有一对孤对电子 , 可作为电子供体 。而 TCNQ 又是一个很 π 强的平面型的π 电子受体 。因此 ,它们可形成 1∶ 的 n2 型 CT 络合物 ,其形成过程可表示如下 : 2 complex by Bent2...
DETERGENT DISPENSER HAVING A TABLET DETERGENT EJECTION FACILITY AND DISHWASHER HAVING THE SAME The present invention relates to a detergent dispenser (1) for use in a dishwasher. The detergent dispenser (1) comprises a main body (2) having a compartment (3) for receiving a tablet detergent (D...
caninum-infected HFFs demonstrated severe alterations in the parasite cytoplasm, changes in the composition of the matrix of the parasitophorous vacuole (PV) and diminished integrity of the PV membrane. To exert parasiticidal activity, parasites had to be cultured continuously in the presence of 5...