Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem i...
A petition (link below) has been created on the White House's website "We the People" requesting the Obama administration to direct the FAA to allow for the safe and responsible use of FPV technology to conduct model aircraft flight operations in accordance with Section 336 of the FAA Modern...
Flights that are destined to the affected airport are held at their departure point for the duration of the Ground Stop. IFR Instrument Flight Rules. A set of rules governing the conduct of flight under instrument meteorological conditions. ILS Instrument Landing System. A ground based precision ...
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摘要: The article reports on the approval of the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to the plan of Boeing Co. to conduct test and certify improvements to the battery system of Boeing 787 Dreamliner aircraft.年份: 2013 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 ...
A Part 135 certificate authorizes an operator to conduct certain operations for hire The operator must apply, qualify, and be granted FAA authorization via Operations Specifications for each type of operation to be conducted. is performed by the Federal Aviation Administration and is described on thei...
The examiner, however, may conduct the practical test in any sequence that will result in a complete and efficient test. TASKs are titles of knowledge areas or procedures appropriate to an AREA OF OPERATION. REFERENCEs identify the publication(s) that describe(s) the TASK. Descriptions of TASKs...
ETHICALCONDUCTANDFINANCIALDISCLOSURE 3750.7 10/7/98 1.PURPOSE.Thisorderestablishesproceduresandassignsresponsibilitiesforadministeringthe agency'sethicsprogramrequiredbytheEthicsinGovernmentActof1978,asamended,-Title5 UnitedStatesCode,App.6,andPart2638ofTitle5oftheCodeofFederalRegulations,Officeof ...
以上3家人工智能公司目前的总估值接近100亿美元。这个数值与未来10年人工智能即将创造出的巨大产业价值相比,只能算是些零头小钱。 未来10年,所有金融企业都将发生天翻地覆的变化,因为人工智能将取代交易员、银行职员、会计师、分析员和保险经纪人。去年,我尝试采用智能投资算法获得了比我的私人理财顾问高八倍的收益—...
H. Conduct Debr iefing. Brief the certificate holder on the inspection results. Discuss any deficiencies and possible corrective actions. 6-1707 TASK OUTCOMES. A. Complete the PTRS Recor d. 1) Keywords. Keywords which are applicable to surveillance activity code 3660/5660. • 201 –...