Garmin SafeTaxi helps pilots navigate unfamiliar airports while taxiing by identifying runways, taxiways, and hangars, as well as the aircraft's exact location on the field.SVT is expected to be available on G900X(TM) equipped aircraft by July 2008 and on the G1000 King Air C90 retrofit ...
②联想字型和事物:business(bus+in+e+ss 可理解为公共汽车里面有一个鹅和两个蛇在谈生意), change(chang+e =嫦(汉语拼音)娥 改变了对猪八戒的看法) ③拆分:两个学过词的组合。 例子 1. legislate v. 立法〔记忆窍门〕将该词分解成 leg 、is 、late 三个字母组合,这三个字母组合 恰好都是我们学过的...