Example of plus-square at 6x Example of plus-square at 5x Example of plus-square at 4x Example of plus-square at 3x Example of plus-square at 2x Example of plus-square fa-plus-square plus-square 新增 增加 添加 insert 更多设计素材图标:maxdpi迈像素材 After you get up and running, you...
Font Awesome fa-plus-square-o详细使用方法,Font Awesome字体图标IE7兼容性处理,Font Awesome最新版本发布,ThinkCMF开源发布
fa-minus-square fa-minus-square-o fa-mobile (别称) fa-money fa-moon-o (别称) fa-music fa-paper-plane fa-paper-plane-o fa-paw fa-pencil fa-pencil-square fa-pencil-square-o fa-phone fa-phone-square fa-picture-o fa-plane fa-plus fa-plus-circle fa-plus-square fa-plus-square-o fa...
plus-square angle-double-left angle-double-right angle-double-up angle-double-down angle-left angle-right angle-up angle-down desktop laptop tablet mobile-phone mobile circle-o quote-left quote-right spinner circle mail-reply reply github-alt folder-o folder-open-o smile-o frown-o meh-o gam...
plus-square angle-double-left angle-double-right angle-double-up angle-double-down angle-left angle-right angle-up angle-down desktop laptop tablet mobile-phone mobile circle-o quote-left quote-right spinner circle mail-reply reply github-alt ...
plus-square angle-double-left angle-double-right angle-double-up angle-double-down angle-left angle-right angle-up angle-down desktop laptop tablet mobile-phone mobile circle-o quote-left quote-right spinner circle mail-reply reply github-alt folder-o folder-open-o smile-o frown-o meh-o gam...
1.file,n.文件;v.保存文件 [faɪl] 2.command,n.命令,指令 [kəˈmænd] 3.use,v.使用,用途 [jus] 4.program,n.程序 [ˈproʊgræm] 5.line,n.(数据,程序)行,线路 [laɪn] 6.if,conj.如果 [ɪf] 7.display,vt.显示,显示器 [dɪˈsple] ...
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pencil-square-o share-square-o check-square-o arrows step-backward fast-backward backward play pause stop forward fast-forward step-forward eject chevron-left chevron-right plus-circle minus-circle times-circle check-circle question-circle
share-square-o check-square-o arrows step-backward fast-backward backward play pause stop forward fast-forward step-forward eject chevron-left chevron-right plus-circle minus-circle times-circle check-circle question-circle info-circle crosshairs times-circle-o check-circle-o ban arrow-left arrow-...