2. FA Level 2: The FA Level 2 coaching course is designed for coaches working with youth players and aspiring to coach at a more advanced level. The content covers a broader range of coaching topics, including technical skills, game understanding, and player development. Coaches learn about ...
COACH 蔻驰 女士手拿包 CHARTER 1280元 微信小程序 03-07 17:26 0 -- BALLY 女士Bar帆布托特包6304580 1733元 京东 03-05 15:51 0 -- BALLY 24秋冬OLLAM深红色牛皮革女士斜挎包 6308504 12190元(需用券) 京东 03-05 15:47 1 -- 移动端、京东百亿补贴:迈克·科尔斯 MICHAEL KORS 迈克高仕 Mercer 女...
FA Licensed Coaches Club:32 hours at Level 1 only. If you are not a member of the FA Licensed Coaches’ Club and are interested in joining, please visithttp://facc.thefa.com. You can also contact us via email atfalicencequery@thefa.comor via phone on 0844 980 8212 Course Content: ...
The course of learning is made up of 20 guided learning, face-to-face workshops covering a range of topics linked to the England DNA, split into three blocks of learning (Block 1 – How We Coach, Block 2 – How We Support and The Future Player, Block 3 – How We Play). Equality:F...
Personalisierte Trainingspläne - Beginne deine Reise mit einem auf dich zugeschnittenen Trainingsplan. Gib einfach deine Ziele und dein Fitnesslevel an, und der FAIO Fitnesscoach erstellt einen maßgeschneiderten Plan, der sich kontinuierlich an deine Fortschritte anpasst. ...
Personalisierte Trainingspläne - Beginne deine Reise mit einem auf dich zugeschnittenen Trainingsplan. Gib einfach deine Ziele und dein Fitnesslevel an, und der FAIO Fitnesscoach erstellt einen maßgeschneiderten Plan, der sich kontinuierlich an deine Fortschritte anpasst. ...
They went ahead via Gary Shelton on twelve minutes, but we were level when an incredible bit of skill from Pat Nevin allowed him to set up a David Speedie header on thirty minutes. His “scoop” over the wall to himself was magical. Then, in the final minute, a Paul Canoville corner ...
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news, video and social media updates by the hour. every single day of the week. we pride ourselves at 101 great goals on sourcing the best ways for football fans to watch upcoming matches. our intention is to inform on forthcoming matches, both how to view and also provide a ...