Systemspesifikasjoner: Se alle modellene > Prosessor 13th Generation Intel® Core™ i5-13600HX vPro® Processor (E-cores up to 3.60 GHz P-cores up to 4.80 GHz) Operativsystem Windows 11 Home 64 Grafikk Integrated Intel® UHD Graphics ...
OT Over time加班 OWRS Owners船东 O/O Order of指示指定 OP Open policy预约保单 OR Owner's risks船东风险 PT Overland transit empty外地回空 OF Overland transit full外地满箱回送 OTT Overland transportation内陆运输 OC Open cover预约保险 PA Particular单独海损 P/A Port authority港务当局 PA Per annual...
"pool-timeout": "Il-ħin tal-iskadenza qiegħed jistenna l-iżblokk.", "pool-queuefull": "Il-kju tal-''pool'' hi mimlija", "pool-errorunknown": "Problema mhux magħrufa", "pool-servererror": "Is-servizz kontra l-pool mhux disponibbli ($1).", "poolcounter-u...
"pool-timeout": "Ël temp a l'é finì antramentre ch'a së spetava la saradura", "pool-queuefull": "La coa ëd travaj a l'é pien-a", "pool-errorunknown": "Eror pa conossù", "pool-servererror": "Ël servissi ëd conteur dl'arzerva a l'é nen dispo...
Her every movement was full of dressed with scrupul ous grace, quietn and althou ess— indeed gh wi t s h he a was sim plici ty th at was almost severe,— no- one could have passed her by without a lingering glance. Her complexion was pal e but very fair, her hai r was like...
If. No. 10 SIXPENCE AUG.-SEP.'48 DEYELOPMENT a The pla,n to tnvite famtasy new publishing company to fa,ns taJre toovearss.Niset winTfginoarlndcsi,nigs now being referred to pato in tlre renture. writers and otJrers who may partici- The story of fantasy-fiction's development in...
My musicFilinspiration(.具恩J is the English singer L&nna Levis.()ne reason[admire(第胃)her isbecuuse she's got a grent46. Slie also in^pjreb me betdiibe slices fullufuiiibitioiis. Leoiid was born in London. She dre^itwd cf being a musician from an47age. She wrote her brst...
full while i t con tinues w orking— an d th e cask must by n o mean s b e fi ll ed up with w hat works ove r. W he n i t has ceased fermenti ng, rack it off into another cask, ad di ng to every fou r gallon s , a q rua t fo , good bran dy, wi th h ...
, "protectedpage": "Zajta zawarto", "jumpto": "Idź do:", "jumptonavigation": "nawigacyjŏ", "jumptosearch": "szukej", "view-pool-error": "Felerńe, syrwyry sům przećůnżone.\n\n$1", "pool-timeout": "Za dugi czas uoczekiwańo na blokada", "pool-q...
"pool-timeout": "Tempo limite de espera para o bloqueio excedido", "pool-queuefull": "A fila de processos está cheia", "pool-errorunknown": "Erro desconhecido", "pool-servererror": "O servidor de contador de processos não está disponível ($1).", "poolcounter-usage-e...