After you get up and running, you can place Font Awesome icons just about anywhere with the <i> tag: 最新福利:领取阿里云2000元通用代金券(新老客户均可用) Example of facebook-official fa-facebook-official 最新视频:【入门好课】前端开发学习路线 <i class="fa fa-facebook-official" aria-...
After you get up and running, you can place Font Awesome icons just about anywhere with the <i> tag: 最新福利:领取阿里云2000元通用代金券(新老客户均可用) Example of google-plus-official fa-google-plus-official 最新视频:【入门好课】前端开发学习路线 <i class="fa fa-google-plus-official...
Change Font Awesome Icon Fa Color Sometimes we need icons in different color, as we suggested by adding css style we can change color. Here we have created one example to change color of icons with css classes.<style> .blue-color { color:blue; } .green-color { color:green; } .teal...
Font Awesome 品牌图标 下表显示了所有的 Font Awesome 品牌图标: 图标 描述 实例 fa fa-500px 尝试一下 fa fa-amazon 尝试一下 fa fa-adn 尝试一下 fa fa-android 尝试一
Hexo中默认集成了Font Awesome字体图标,采用CSScontent字符编码的形式,比使用样式class类的方式更方便。 Font Awesome 使用方法: .icon:before{content:'\f018';font-family:FontAwesome;} Font Awesome图标类对应的字符编码表: namecodenamecode .fa-glass\f000.fa-github-alt\f113 ...
要在网页中使用Font Awesome图标,首先需要将其引入到你的项目中。你可以通过以下方式引入Font Awesome: 通过CDN引入:将Font Awesome的CDN链接添加到HTML文件的<head>标签中。例如: html <head><link rel="stylesheet" href="
After you get up and running, you can place Font Awesome icons just about anywhere with the <i> tag: Example of ban fa-ban <i class="fa fa-ban" aria-hidden="true"></i> Note: to improve web accessibility, we recommend using aria-hidden="true" to hide icons used purely for dec...
这样做,而不是和fa-solid fa-house图标工程
FontAwesome 图标 class="fa fa-home" 本文转自: 引用方式: class="fa fa-home" 注意:每个图标的引用都必须要添加 fa fa-x 两个class 4.1新加入的71种图标 fa-automobile fa-child fa-circle-o-notch ...
FontAwesome svg icons Tree-shakable, only import used icons No CSS file required FontAwesome duotone icons Documents and examples. Installation Notice:vue-fa 3.x is based on Vue.js 3.x. npm install vue-fa@next --save Old versions: