FA_READ);if(fr != FR_OK)gotoerror;// Get the headerunsignedintbytes_read =0;structcake_headerheader;fr =f_read(&handle, &header,sizeof(header), &bytes_read);if(fr != FR_OK)gotoerror;// Only add patches applicable to the loaded firmsstructfirm_signature*current=NULL;switch(header.t...
@@ -416,14 +416,13 @@ static int usb251xb_get_ofdata(struct usb251xb *hub, returndev_err_probe(dev,PTR_ERR(hub->gpio_reset), "unable to request GPIO reset pin\n"); if(of_property_read_u16_array(np,"vendor-id",&hub->vendor_id,1)) ...
Original OpenSSH format (as produced by ssh-keygen) stores "magic string", ciphername ("none"), kdfname ("none"), kdfoptions (empty string), public key and index for that, two "checkint" numbers, seed + public key string, comment and a bunch of extra padding at the end. All ...
[257Star][1m] [Py] frint0/email-enum Email-Enum searches mainstream websites and tells you if an email is registered! #DEPRECATED [257Star][10m] [C] p0f/p0f p0f unofficial git repo [255Star][1m] [Py] cloudflare/python-cloudflare Python wrapper for the Cloudflare Client ...
gnulib-0+git20190602-1bl1.src.patch gnusim8085 goaccess golem95 googletest gosu gource gperftools gpp4 gqlplus grabix grandom granite grap graphene gravity grepcidr grib_api grits grive gromacs groonga gsignond gsk gsnmp gssdp gti gtick gtk-engines-cleanice gtkadi gtkdateentry gtkdialog gtkmas...