FlightAware 航空照片: F80(71-5277), A Japanese Self-Defense Force F-80 Shooting Star jet, taxis to a runway at MCAS Iwakuni, Japan, 1967., PAIW
And before the wonder of this could25, another star moved suddenly from its place, then another,26towards the restless sea. “What is it?” the child27. “Shooting stars. They come every year on a certain night in August. I thought you would like to see the show.” That was all. ...
JackieChan'sactingcareer Jackiechanalwayspersistsin makingafilmbyhimselfinsteadof usingastuntmanfor40years.Hehasbeendeeplyinjuredmore than30timeswhenhewas shootingsomedangerousactions.It’sreportedthatJackiechan’sbodywasfullofvariouswounds!Thereisnodoubtthatheisadedicatedandresponsiblekungfustar!