手柄不用装驱动一般 插上手柄 先进入实况2011文件夹根目录 打开settings.exe → Controller → 把 Controller1 选择成Logitech F710 ,默认的“——”是键盘。如图 好像实况八之后就只能在游戏外边的settings.exe 设置为手柄模式 进入游戏后就不能设置了 ...
选择下面这个连接进行下载(也就是:Xbox 360 Wireless Controller for Windows),有点慢,如果不行就刷新重试。3、安装该下载的360驱动软件。4、再次打开“我的电脑”(win7叫“计算机”,win8叫“这台电脑”)→“管理”→“设备管理器”右键黄色的感叹号选择“更新驱动软件”→“浏览计算机以查找驱动程序软件”→(到...
首先在设备管理器右键点击问题设备,选择更新驱动程序软件,浏览计算机查找驱动程序。不要自动搜索,要在列表中自己选。在厂商栏按M自动定位到Microsoft,在右边找匹配的型号。找到这个Xbox 360 wireless controller很快就安装好了。
Pros:Love the layout, and also love the feel of the controller in my hands. Its the right size and weight. Cons:Wireless. It just doesnt work right. Constant disconnects in the middle of playing along with Stuck keys all the time. It gets worse when you have a second player also, as...
I have had problems using a Logitech F310 controller with RetroArch. With the current stable 1.10.0 version. The severity varies by controller driver. (The controller's rear switch is on its default xinput setting.) xinput: "Gamepad F310...
LICENSE README.md build-module.sh install-module.sh README MIT license logitech-f710-module Support for Logitech F710 game controller on NVIDIA Jetson Developer Kits. Installs hid-logitech module with F710 game controller enabled. The module uses the local name (e.g. 4.9.253-tegra) which is...
德尔克 通又盛 德康驱动 然力 三科精密 意锐聚 海辉 斯卡曼 镭泰 冠盛 增广 KXT 金达凯诺 ACIYC益诚 因时机器人 创影智能 Abdo BIDE 能驰 通诺尔 鼎赢 CHSHOUNI 嘉智妮 TYS BLA 创迈诚 DriveSystem 英驰智能 品嘉灵 全控科技 ALLCONTROLLER NEFEIT 致杰益通 优速诚 扬博 欣华云 韦特斯 斯凯恩 GEMING/铬...
;自用的罗技f510,装上Xbox 360 Controller for Windows打开x模式可以识别为xbox360手柄,系统xp 。
Xbox 360 Wireless Controller for Windows 选择下面这个连接进行下载(也就是:Xbox 360 Wireless Controller for Windows),有点慢,如果不行就刷新重试。 3、安装该下载的360驱动软件。 4、再次打开“我的电脑”(win7叫“计算机”,win8叫“这台电脑”)→“管理”→“设备管理器”右键黄色的感叹号选择“更新驱动软件...
However, Logitech F710 is not a wheel controller, it is just like an Xbox controller. As i said previously, the gamepad was working perfectly fine a few weeks ago. Maybe a recent update is causing this because the gamepad works fine with Need For Speed Rivals and Heat. 0 + XP #4...