Jiangxi Jinyuan Material and Trade Industrial Development Co., Ltd. (自动翻译) 注册地址 江西省南昌市青山湖区顺外路238号南18号(邮编331000)附近企业 经营范围 国内贸易(以上项目依法需经批准的项目,需经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动) 股东信息2 股权结构 导出 序号 股东名称 持股比例 认缴出资额(万...
A lithium metal oxide suitable for use as a cathode material in a rechargeable battery having a general formula of: LixMz M'zOuFy, where x is 1.80 < x < 2.20, y = 1, and more specifically 1.90 < x < 2.10, with 1.80 < u < 2.20. Preferably, 1.90 < u < 2.10, and 0.80 < y ...
Investigation of Ce0.9Sr0.1Cr0.5Co0.5O3δ as the anode material for solid oxide fuel cells fueled with H2S Ce 0.9 Sr 0.1 Cr 0.5 Co 0.5 O 3δ (CSCrCo) as an anode catalyst was studied in a solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC), where hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S) was used as ... X Zhu,Y...
In case of a legitimate complaint the University Libary will make the material inaccessible and/or remove it from the website.Please send an e-mail to: , or a letter to: Bibliotheek van de Universiteit van Amsterdam, Dept. ... NH Frijda - 《Compatible Approaches to Cognitive Science》 被...
Basic factors, such as a pool of labor or a local raw material source, do not constitute an advantage in knowledge-intensive industries. Companies can access them easily through a global strategy or circumvent them through technology. Contrary to conventional wisdom, simply having a general work ...
By this method, material do not stick to the tip part of the nozzle and further, splash of molten metal can be eliminated.HANAGIRI SEIJIYUYAMA HIDETOSHISADANO MASAHIROTAIRA HATSUOHIRAIWA YOSHITAKA