BIG-IP rシリーズ(2023年6月追加) BIG-IP r2000シリーズ L7負荷分散性能:13~17GbpsSSL(ECDSA P-256): 5,000~10,000tps BIG-IP r4000シリーズ L7負荷分散性能:30~40GbpsSSL(ECDSA P-256): 14,000~20,000tps BIG-IP r5000シリーズ L7負荷分散性能:60~95GbpsSSL(ECDSA P-256): 30,000~...
r5000/r10000 Series: BIG-IP TMOS <15.1.8 and F5OS-A <1.3.0 Available mitigations: (default) Set the device compatibility level to level supported by destination BIG-IP platform. Possible scenarios: Set the device compatibility level to 0 Adjust thelevelvalue in the configuration objectsys con...
F5的每个硬件平台上都有一个F5OS, 它本身是基于K8S的容器化系统,在上面可以堆叠不同的软件模块,每个模块可以单独升级,包括LTM、AWAF、DNS防火墙等。BIG-IP NEXT是F5的下一代软件版本,采用模块化设计,每个模块能够单独运行、单独升级、单独运维,在同一个硬件平台上满足不同的应用需求。在此基础之上,还强化了API访...
F5领先产品发布.pdf,云无边界 架构未来 拥抱开源 | 拥抱本地化 | 拥抱数字创新 F5领先产品发布 1 | ©2022 F5 云无边界云无边界 架构未来架构未来 拥抱开源 | 拥抱本地化 | 拥抱数字创新 让更好的数字世界融入生活 2022年F5多云应用服务科技峰会 TO BRING A BETTER DIGITA
F5 ModelBIG-IP Software ReleaseNIST Validated Cryptographic Module(s)Consolidated Validation Certificate(s)Additional Notes r4000 series, r5000 series including r5920-DF, r10000 series, including r10920-DF VELOS BX110/CX410 F5 BIG-IP Tenant Cryptographic Module ...
2. BIG-IP tenant does not get the trunk name. Note: In case of live upgrade from EA to GA release, any LAG created with a space in name will not work and you will need to either delete these or do a bare metal install before performing a live upgrade. Workaround: Don't create ...
F5 BIG-IP Declarative Onboarding F5 BIG-IP Telemetry Streaming F5 BIG-IP Cloud Failover F5 BIG-IP Application Services Templates Container Ingress Services F5 BIG-IP Controller for Kubernetes/OpenShift Network Function Virtualization F5 VNF Manager SDK F5 BIG-IP SDK Python Ecosystems Integra...
BIG-IP rシリーズ(2023年6月追加) BIG-IP r2000シリーズ L7負荷分散性能:13~17GbpsSSL(ECDSA P-256): 5,000~10,000tps BIG-IP r4000シリーズ L7負荷分散性能:30~40GbpsSSL(ECDSA P-256): 14,000~20,000tps BIG-IP r5000シリーズ L7負荷分散性能:60~95GbpsSSL(ECDSA P-256): 30,000~...
BIG-IP 6900F, 8900FIntegrated Module: Cavium Nitrox XL CN1520-VBD-04-0201FIPS 140-2 Level 2: 1360 Level 3: 1361 Common Criteria Certification F5 ModelSoftware ReleaseCertification InformationSecurity Target r4000 series, r5000 series including r5920-DF, r10000 series, including r10920-DF, r120...