那幽雅静美的少女露西是谁,至今两百年无人确定,但他为追忆这早夭的十八岁情人所写的五首小诗,却是英国文学史的瑰宝,平实简朴的深情至今少有人能超越。最后一首《彼时,幽黯遮蔽我心》(A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal)是我六十年来疗伤止痛最好的良药之一。...
这样,来年“灶王爷”就能继续监督并庇佑这一家人。 Most of the offerings are sweets of various varieties. It is thought that this will seal the Kitchen God's mouth and encourage him to only say good things about the family when he ascends to heaven to make ...
"We are working to further increase businesses by expanding our supply chains," said Zhang Xuli, general manager of the Tanniu company. "We will consider building processing bases outside Hainan, and by increasing our scale, we hope to help farmers gain more benefits."■ Workers seal chicken ...