1, F4_FILENAME 2, KD_GET_FILENAME_ON_F4 3, TB_LIMIT_WS_FILENAME_GET 4, WS_FILENAME_GET 5, cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_open_dialog 以上。
Hi, I need a solution regarding F4_Filename... when i am uploading a file am using 'F4_Filename' , when i press f4, with in look in window by default it is showing 'SAP Work directory', but I need another location like 'Desktop'. Thanks, AnilReply...
How do we create a F4 Help on the Selection-Screen for the file-path on Application Server? If we use the FM "F4_FILENAME" , We get the Logical File names. But here we do not want the logical file names, but just the path. We wrote the following piece of code: DATA: gv_path...
rtn = f_open(&fil, filename, FA_READ );//打开程序文件 if(rtn) { sprintf(str,"open %s error:%d\r\n",filename,rtn); GUI_DispStringAt(str, 0, y); y+=16; } else { sprintf(str,"open %s sucess\r\n",filename); GUI_DispStringAt(str, 0, y); y+=16; } uint32_t starta...
webpack 中,filename 和 chunkFilename 的区别是什么? `filename` 指**列在** `entry` 中,打包后输出的文件的名称。`chunkFilename` 指**未列在** `entry` 中,却又需要被打包出来的文件的名称。 Webpack 有非常多的概念,很多名词长得都差不多。我把这些分散在文档和教程里的内容总结起来,写了一份web...
Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ <resources> <string name="app_name" translatable="false">Tutanota</string> <string name="app_name" translatable="false">Tuta Mail</string> <string name="reminder_label">Reminder</string> <string name="pushNewMa...
voidFAFTF_READ_FILE_TEST(void){ POINT_COLOR=DARKBLUE; retSD= f_open(&USERFile, filename, FA_READ);;if(retSD){ LCD_ShowString(400,480,500,24,24,"*** open file error ***"); LCD_ShowNum(800,480,retSD,2,24); Error_Handler...
+0x174 ImageFileName : [16] "csrss.exe" Notice that if we add the base of the _EPROCESS object (8a03ada0- Parameter 2)to the offset of the imageFileName field (+0x174) we get parameter 3. TheimageFileNamefield. 0: kd> ? 8a03ada0+0x174 ...
PARAMETER : p_file LIKE rlgrap-filename. AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON VALUE-REQUEST FOR path. DATA: directory TYPE string, filetable TYPE filetable, line TYPE LINE OF filetable, rc TYPE i. CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>get_temp_directory CHANGING temp_dir = directory. CALL METHOD cl_gu...
functionnoBorderWin(fileName,w,h,titleBg,moveBg,titleColor,titleWord,scr)//定义一个弹出无边窗口的函数,能数意义见下面“参数说明”,实际使用见最后的实例。 { varcontents=""+ ""+ ""+titleWord+""+ ""+ ""+ ""+ "