(e.g. make the next selection bold, in Excel make a column the same width, on a slide move over selected text one tab and so on) As an FYI, ⌘ + y will not work on every action. For example, in Office 2011, if you want to change text color, and then select another section...
In the RMII mode, you have to provide the 50 MHz clock by soldering a 50 MHz oscillator (ref SM7745HEV-50.0M or equivalent) on the U3 footprint located under CN3 and also by removing the jumper from JP5. This oscillator is not provided with the board. For ...
Output to stdout -p, --pthresh (default=0.01) fb scores whose associated p-value is less than -Z, --Zb-matrix (optional) output the equivalent of fb-statistic, but with Z-scores to assess statistical significance this will be printed below the f-branch matrix -h, --help display this...
@if "%MAVEN_BATCH_ECHO%" == "on" echo %MAVEN_BATCH_ECHO% @REM set %HOME% to equivalent of $HOME if "%HOME%" == "" (set "HOME=%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%") @REM Execute a user defined script before this one if not "%MAVEN_SKIP_RC%" == "" goto skipRcPre @REM check for pre...
Anyway, I attached a zip of a collection of eeprom images from various cards, I got my hands on during this saga. I don't care about "leaking" my cards' serial numbers and mac addresses. The images are from these cards: Fujitsu D2755-A11 G...
On my micromouse, I will have an HCMS3907 smart alphanumeric display. This particular device has four characters, each made up of a 7×5 array of LEDs. Data is shifted in to the display over SPI. When the Chip Select line is released at the end of a transfer, whatever is in the sh...
Each MAC can perform a 16-bit by 16-bit multiply in each cycle, accumulating the results into the 40-bit accumulators. Signed and unsigned formats, rounding, and saturation are supported. The ALUs perform a traditional set of arithmetic and logical operations on 16-bit or 32-bit data. In ...
It is equivalent to the measured duration of a single instance of overshoot or undershoot as a percentage of the period of occurrence. Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 When programming OTP memory on the ADSP-BF51x processor, the VPPOTP pin/ball must be set to the write value specified in the ...
First, although back in 2015 the Sony Zeiss 24-70mm f4 was the better of the three trans-standard zooms on offer, it isn’t a great lens, especially for one bearing the Zeiss name. I found it a step back in optical performance compared to the equivalent Canon offerings. The blog of ...
However, sodium fluoride induced a significant viability decrease from the concentra- tion corresponding to half of the maximum used in UCNPs which is equivalent to the concentration released at 100 µg/mL of UCNPs under the assumption of complete dissolution. These results are in line with ...