21、have an art festival 举办艺术节 22、have a book sale 举办图书甩卖活动 23、Children’sDay儿童节 问24、National Day国庆节√ 25、Women’sDay妇女节√ 26、New Year,s Day新年√ Unit 2 My favorite subject is science 1、 my favor...
"My stock is worthless". I mean wiped out. Asset class, gone. Fixed, you know, risk free investment gone. The banks are out of business.But if you prepare, you also do very well. So it all depends right?
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CollectivismAndIndividualism •Collectivismreferstoapoliticalsystemthatstressestheprimacyofcollectivegoalsoverindividualgoals•CollectivismcanbetracedbacktotheGreekphilosopher,Plato(427-347BC),butinmoderntimes,collectivismisequatedwithsocialists 5 2-5 CollectivismAndIndividualism •Socialistsadvocatestateownershipofthe...