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We have tried cleaner wrasse and shrimp and freshwater dip. My boss confirms its not anchor worms and we don't have any medicine currently to treat it. The only working solution we have found is removing it manually, but they spread again after a short while. <Can you get Flubenol 5%...
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百力威 BEL RAY Foam Filter Cleaner 气溶胶 脱脂清洁剂 超润贸易(上海)有限公司 4年 查看详情 ¥11.00/千克 山东济南 洁浪AOS粉 α-烯基磺酸钠 发泡剂 洗涤剂 蓝爵化工 白色粉末 优级品 济南蓝爵商贸有限公司 4年 查看详情 ¥31.00/个 广东广州 厨房洗洁精加液器按压式出液盒百洁布洗碗刷皂液瓶清洁剂...
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Further, a material of the filter 10 constituted of a filtering element 7 consists of a flexible nonwoven cloth, etc.; the element 9 is constituted of a highly air-permeable material such as a polyurethane foam.TAKI YOSHIHIROAKATSUCHI HAJIME...
百力威 BEL RAY Foam Filter Cleaner 气溶胶 脱脂清洁剂 超润贸易(上海)有限公司 4年 查看详情 ¥8.00/桶 贵州贵阳 家用实惠装洗洁精 家庭装大桶按压瓶式洗涤剂 洗碗液 易洁品牌 贵阳易洁日化用品有限公司 4年 查看详情 ¥1.26万/千克 江苏南通 海安供应剥色剂AR-812/印花的后处理剂/工业液体洗涤剂 乳化...
洁肤液、洁肤霜,来自单词cleanse,动词表示清洁皮肤,清洁伤口。 cleaner 清洁工、吸尘器,来自单词clean,动词表示除去灰尘、打扫,尤指用水或化学品洗净、擦净。 foaming cleanser(or cleansing foam)泡沫洁面乳,泡沫洁面(摩斯) amino acid cleanser 氨基酸洗面奶。 内容来源...
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