Table 4-1. Device Comparison FEATURE(1) 28379D 28379D-Q1 28378D 28377D 28377D-Q1 28376D 28375D 28374D Package Type (ZWT is an nFBGA package. PTP is an HLQFP package. PZP is an HTQFP package.) 337-Ball 176-Pin ZWT PTP 176-Pin PTP 337-Ball 176-Pin 337-Ball 176-Pin 337-Ball...
身 您 2402 外部存储器接口(EMIF) , 龙 创 创龙官网: 销售邮箱:sales@ 公司总机:020-8998-6280 州 技术论坛: 技术邮箱:support@ 技术热线:020-3893-9734 广 Configuring Device Pins 图 25-2 EMIF 功能框图 家 专 EMIF 制 EMxCS0 定 EMxCAS 板 EMxRAS SDRAM 主 EMxCLK 接口 的 主 EMxSDCKE 边 机...
4 Terminal Configuration and Functions ... 15 7 Device and Documentation Support... 110 4.1 Signal Descriptions... 20 7.1 Device Support... 110 4.2 Pin Multiplexing... 42 7.2 Documentation Support... 112 5 Specifications...
#include "F28x_Project.h" // Device Headerfile and Examples Include File #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include "inc/hw_types.h" #include "inc/hw_memmap.h" #include "inc/hw_can.h" #include "driverlib/can.h" // // Defines // #de...
Power Down Flash or Maintain Minimum Device Activity Yes Yes Yes Yes I2C: SDA and SCL Open-Drain Output Buffer Issue Yes Yes Yes Yes I2C: Target Transmitter Mode, Standard Mode SDA Timings Limitation Yes Yes Yes Yes ePWM: An ePWM Glitch can Occur if a Trip Remains Active at the Yes Yes...
_model -o "rfcu_cpu1.out" "./main.obj" "./test.obj" "./device/F2837xD_CodeStartBranch.obj" "./device/device.obj" "./device/driverlib/adc.obj" "./device/driverlib/asysctl.obj" "./device/driverlib/can.obj" "./device/driverlib/cla.obj" "./device/driverlib/c...
For F2838xD device, even though CPU and EWPM1 still do the calibration for HRPWM, each EPWM module clocks its own HRPWM, and use the same values of HRMSTEP calculated by the SFO. This allows HRPWM to function correctly with CPU2. ...
│ │ │ │ F2837xD_cmpss.h │ │ │ │ F2837xD_cputimer.h │ │ │ │ F2837xD_dac.h │ │ │ │ F2837xD_dcsm.h │ │ │ │ F2837xD_device.h │ │ │ │ F2837xD_dma.h │ │ │ │ F2837xD_ecap.h │ │ │ │ F2837xD_emif.h ...
技术热线:020-3893-9734 广 Configuring Device Pins 图 25-2 EMIF 功能框图 EMIF EMxCS0 EMxCAS SDRAM EMxRAS 接口 EMxCLK 主 EMxSDCKE 机 访 问 EMxCS[x:2] EMxOE 异步接口 EMxWAIT EMxRNW EMxWE EMxBA[1:0] EMxDQM[x:0] 共享 SDRAM 和异步接 EMxD[x:0] 口 EMxA[x:0] 25.2 配置设备...