这就导致F35在定位上并没有把空优任务作为核心指标,而是更强调多用途能力。这使得F35并不完全具备4S能力,它无法超音速巡航,超机动性能也不及F22。 此外,F35还要求一机做到三军通用,F35A为基本型供空军使用,F35B垂直起降型供海军陆战队使用,F35C舰载型则供海军使用。这就导致F35要兼顾很多不同的需求,但在这其中肯...
最近,一组数据的披露令人震惊,无论是美国F22的性能还是F35的发动机,似乎都存在“夸大其词”的现象! 对此反应最为强烈的无疑是中国军工行业,因为中国的航空发动机研发一直是以美国为标杆,没想到一觉醒来,我们竟已“领先一步”。 甚至特斯拉的创始人马斯克也公开批评F-35,直言其性能无法满足现代空战的需求…… ...
一份美军机密文件意外曝光——F22的F119发动机推重比根本不是吹嘘的9-10,实际只有7出头;F35的F135发动机数据也掺水,真实推重比仅6.7。消息一出,全球军迷炸锅:说好的技术代差呢?原来美国航发也玩"美颜滤镜"! (网上流传的文件截图) 这波打脸来得猝不及防。二十年来,F119发动机的"推重比神话"逼得中国军工人熬夜掉...
F22上的F119发动机最大加力推力只有15.7吨,明显不如涡扇15的18.5吨。F35上的F135发动机目前最大加力推力超18吨,改进型可以到20.4吨。可这是强行提高发动机涵道比得来的,代价就是F35战机不具备超音速巡航能力。不能说明F135发动机比涡扇15先进。 2023年中国第三届航空投资峰会上,我们有关负责人就明确表示涡扇15已经在...
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C. which D. where查看答案和解析>> 科目:初中英语 来源: 题型: "I sometimes get up at three or four in the morning to surf the Internet.” "I check my e-mail almost forty times a day.” "I seldom spend less than three hours each time on the Net.” "I spend more time in cha...
is excluded kinds - 80 weight % or white pigment 50 - 70 weight % or (Pc3) carbon black 8 - 15 weight % it includes, at that time, the respective component (Pa) - (Pc) weight ratio is the pigment paste which features that it is something each of them for the total weight of ...
Which by the way is not cool (I’m looking at you Carbide3d! How hard would it have been to introduce a setting in CC to select Shapeoko vs Nomad?). So very often, Carbide Create suggested values ended up being completely unpractical with a Shapeoko and Makita router (e.g. RPM ...
Feeding back the pH value which is detected with the aforementioned dephosphorization process whichPROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a treatment method for sewage containing nitrogen and phosphorus, capable of easily obtaining a high removing ratio at a low cost while efficiently recovering phosphorus ...