as well as air-to-ground missiles, such as the Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM). The Su-57 is also capable of carrying a range of weapons, including air-to-air missiles like the R-77 and air-to-ground missiles like the Kh-58. However, the F-22 has ...
说错了,上边那个是空对地导弹.Air TO Ground嘛. 这个才是炸弹. 是BOMB哟. 9楼2007-03-23 11:17 回复 ioule1 中级粉丝 2 以上是武器设置. 接受进入游戏,接受就是那个Accept, 进入游戏后,来介绍下视角. F1 是这个视� 10楼2007-03-23 11:18 回复 ioule1 中级粉丝 2 F2 是这个视角 推荐...
Meanwhile, ground crew members are busy loading AIM9X Sidewinder short-range air-to-air missiles onto the F22's weapon wing stations. Thanks to the inclined mounting mechanism, the missile's head protrudes outside the bay, allowing the pilot to engage and fire upon a target with utmost effici...
Air to air loadout: 6× AIM-120 AMRAAM 2× AIM-9 Sidewinder Air to ground loadout: 2× 1,000 lb (450 kg) JDAM or 8× 250 lb (110 kg) GBU-39 Small Diameter Bombs 2× AIM-120 AMRAAM 2× AIM-9 Sidewinder Hardpoints: 4× under-wing pylon stations can be fitted to carry 600 ...
or more like an F-22 that is primarily an air superiority fighter that has an air-to-ground ...
Lockheed Martin claims that the raptor's stealth, sensitivity, accuracy, and situational awareness capabilities combine its air-to-air and air-to-ground combat capabilities, making it the best integrated fighter in the world today. However, due to the high manufacturing cost of the F-22 and ...
Soewito Suhardiman Eddymurthy Kardono SOEX SOF SOF SOF SOF Air-Ground Interface Simulator SOF Combat Assault Rifle - Heavy SOF Combat Assault Rifle - Light SOF Information Enterprise SOF IRIS SOF IV SOF LNO SOF Quick Crew Reference Product SOF-ATS SOF.CPRE SOF1 SOF2 SOF2:DH SOF22 sofa so...
F22停飞的真正原因(The real reason for F22s grounding).doc,F22停飞的真正原因(The real reason for F22s grounding) The F22 raptor is the most proud stealth fighter of the current American tactical air force. His emergence as a former Soviet TU22 shocked
4, Air-to-Ground Training空对地训练。内华达州,中午,晴朗的天空,南风2节。任务:你摧毁地面目标的能力,与你的空战能力一样重要。这个任务将帮助你开发你的空地作战的能力。三个目标已经建立起来。地面目标组“德拉科”Draco是一座桥,已设定为轰炸目标。地面目标组“克劳”Crow是萨姆导弹基地,你要将他们除灭萨姆...
主承包商洛克希德·马丁航空公司(Lockheed Martin Aeronautics)制造了机身的大部分,并在佐治亚州玛丽埃塔的多宾斯空军基地(Dobbins Air Reserve Base)进行了总装;项目合作伙伴波音防务、空间与安全公司提供了额外的机身组件以及航空电子集成和培训系统。第一架F-22,机尾编号4001的EMD飞机,于1997年4月9日在佐治亚州的玛丽...