F2000 Video conference system wireless short gun goose-neck microphone can connect 200 microphones unit $61.00 - $64.00 Min. order: 1 box HT6100 ir language distribution infrared simultaneous translation system conference interpreter equipment $145.00 - $148.00 Min. order: 1 box F6000 conference syst...
High-Quality Audio Performance: The F2000 Video conference system features a wireless short gun goose-neck microphone, ensuring clear and crisp audio transmission for effective communication. Scalability: This system can connect up to 200 microphones, making it ideal for large-scale conferences, meetings...
枪自动SMG-MP40 现代汽车B00百万世界2峡湾(GUNAuto_SMG-MP 40 Modern Auto_B00M_WW2FD) 作品集:战争手枪步枪冲锋枪开枪射击音效 1060首 众创未来 1年前 AWDS AR AK 47 Krinkov Modern Auto 现代自动 突击步枪 冲锋枪 AK47 开枪 射击 武器 战斗 击中 枪声 扫射 作品集:战斗 战争 战场 100首 六溜溜...
斯洛文尼亚是少数将F2000作为制式步枪的欧洲国家之一,2008年选定F2000为未来的制式步枪,并加以改良,命名为F2000S,S即代表斯洛文尼亚。与原形F2000相比,此枪在机匣上方与护手部为均加有皮卡汀尼导轨,此导轨由斯洛文尼亚的AREX公司生产(次公司也为该步枪生产刺刀)。谢谢 参考资料:http://www.dooland...
可怜的兰州拥有MG3还抽箱子买机关GUN干叼啊? 禁言|8楼2010-02-07 22:24 回复 强击打手 探花 10 不会用就是垃圾?我以前还说过USP垃圾,现在现在才知道,当时是自己垃圾 禁言|9楼2010-02-07 22:24 回复 难以显示ID 探花 11 一个就打JS的烧饼当然不会理解,你可以用你的毁灭去团战竞技了,再见 禁言|...
Other accessories include a specially-made 1.6x magnification telescopic sight, which can be removed to reveal the picatinny rail on top of the gun if the user wishes to mount other optics or just to use the iron sight. A custom-made, proprietary grenade launcher was built to fit the weapon...
f2000介绍http://bak.gun-world.net/fn/f2000/f2000.htm 回复 6楼2011-12-12 19:18 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示4回复贴,共1页 <返回全球使命吧 发表回复 发贴请遵守贴吧协议及“七条底线”贴吧投诉 发表 保存至快速回...
Hello Everyone Here is one of my New mods the FN F2000 From Lt. Rocky using Winter Camo I was bored so much and started to play l4d2 again. while playing a time with this gun i wanted to have a new texture on it and here is it! This mod replace your M16 to the FN F2000 winter...
The gun image does not appear in the inventory. Can you tell me how to solve it? ReplyGood karmaBad karma+5 votes BigBoyPants-Nov 9 2023- 6 comments same here ReplyGood karmaBad karma+3 votes Guest-Nov 25 2023- 708,603 comments ...