ASTM F1554 Grade 105 covers Low carbon, 36 ksi yield steel anchor bolts used to anchor structural supports to concrete foundations.TorqBolt Manufactures & Stocks Anchor Bolts/Anchor Rods as Specified under ASTM F1554 Grade 105. For quick Quote onF1554 Grade 105 Anchor Bolts, please contact our...
F1554中文 Designation: F 1554 - 07a Standard Specification for Anchor Bolts , ~ S t e e f , 36 , .55 , and 105-ksi Yield Strength 1 This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 1554; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or , ...
内容提示: Designation: F1554 − 15 ´2Standard Specif i cation forAnchor Bolts, Steel, 36, 55, and 105-ksi Yield Strength 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation F1554; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the ...
ASTM F1554 Specification covers carbon, carbon boron, alloy, or high-strength low-alloy steel anchor bolts Staright Head & Bend Head Anchor Bolts used to anchor supports to structural concrete foundations.
ASTM F1554 is the newest construction fastener specification developed by the American Society for Testing and Materials and covers steel anchor bolts intended for anchoring structural supports to concrete foundations. Chemical requirements, mechanical properties, and dimensional tolerances are all covered und...
This specification covers straight, bent, headed and headless anchor bolts/rods made of carbon, medium carbon boron, alloy, or high-strength low alloy steel. Anchor bolts are used for anchoring structural supports (ie columns/sign structures) to concrete foundations. This specification does not cove...
medium carbon boron, alloy, or high-strength low alloy steel. Anchor bolts are used for anchoring structural supports (ie columns/sign structures) to concrete foundations. This specification does not cover mechanical expansion anchors, powder-activated nails/studs or anchor bolts fabricated from deforme...
The ASTM F1554 specification was introduced in 1994 and covers anchor bolts designed to anchor structural supports to concrete foundations. F1554 anchor bolts can take the form of either headed bolts, straight rods, or bent anchor bolts. The three grades 36, 55, and 105 designate the minimum ...
1.2 The anchor bolts are intended for anchoring structuralsupports to concrete foundations. Such structural supportsinclude building columns, column supports for highway signs,street lighting and traffic signals, steel bearing plates, and similar applications. 1.3 Supplementary requirements are included to ...
TheAnchor bolts are furnished in three strength grades, two threadclasses, and in the sizes specified in Section 4. 1.2 The anchor bolts are intended for anchoring structuralsupports to concrete foundations. Such structural supportsinclude building columns, column supports for highway signs,street ...