150 transmissionreplacement:ihavea1992fordf150-Ihavea1992FordF1505.8Automatic4x4.The transmissionwillnotgointogear,theshifterwillslidebuttrannywillnotengage.Ihaveneverworkedonor fordf150truckrepairmanuals/books-fordf150.net-Youarehere:FordF150HomeFordF150Store.Ford RepairManuals/Books.1983-1992Haynes: 1992...
Good find, Tom. In high school, I used to drive my dad’s ’84 F-150 in almost the same color combination, with the 300 and 4 speed with granny low first gear. I have seen a few of these early ’80’s 1/2 ton pickups with a 3 speed on the column. Reply lukas Posted May...