而A-ONE的结构设计,丁洁民团队摒弃传统设计方法,把结构和建筑表皮合二为一,实现结构和建筑美学之间的完美互动。 结构大师丁洁民对结构和建筑美学之间的互动有着丰富的经验和准确的把握,A-ONE项目主塔塔楼采用从底部四边形平面收分渐变至塔冠圆形平面的方式展开,形成 “A”字型的塔身结构,两江交汇,并以向上发展...
He waited and waited, hoping that soon one day a large shell would wash up on shore. While he waited to find a proper home, Keb lived in a large hole in a rock. Now, the hole was a fine home for most animals, but it was not a proper...
这也让我想起了一个习惯用语,give somebody a run for one's money. To give somebody a run for one's money, 意思是对竞争对手构成挑战。我们俱乐部就打算在玫瑰节的比赛中挑战其它参赛俱乐部,绝不能让他们轻松获胜。We plan to give them a ...
noisy copies of segment representations of the second subset; scoring segments from the noisy segment matrix against the segment templates; and determining detection normalization threshold values at two or more known SNR levels for at least one particular noise type based on a function of the ...
Once upon a time in the enchanting land of Disney World, there lived a curious young girl named Lily. Lily was a big fan of Disney characters and had always dreamed of visiting the magical world where they came to life. One sunny day, her dream finally came true when her parents surpris...
X1A000061000200由EPSON(爱普生)设计生产,在香港萬世泰電子科技有限公司现货销售,并且可以通过香港萬世泰電子科技有限公司进行代购。X1A000061000200价格参考¥ 1.751500。X1A000061000200-。你可以下载中文资料、引脚图、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,资料中有X1A000061000200详细引脚图及功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程 ...
▌one-bedroom; studio 套房 Here is your opportunity to acquire a luxurious one-bedroom home. 现在正是购买一套豪华一居室住房的机会。 It's a great studio apartment. 这是一间很棒的套房公寓。 ▌shared housing 合租房 I once stayed in a two-bedroom ap...
【ONE话题】周末去采摘!广汉这些地方的火龙果熟啦~ 远看红绣球,近看生柳叶, 中间来一刀,豆腐嵌芝麻。 如果每个季节的水果中 都有一两个C位选手的话, 作为夏天的“网红”水果, 火龙果定是突出重围的那一个。 皮薄肉厚、香甜多汁、色泽鲜艳, 火龙...
On the one hand, having more of something can be seen as a positive thing. For example, if you have more money, you can afford to buy more things and live a more comfortable life. Similarly, if you have more time, you can use it to do more things that you enjoy or that are impo...
13.health→(形容词)healthy14.once→(基数词)one→(序数词)first15.twice→(基数词)two→(序数词)second16.full→(动词)fill17.maybe→(同义词)perhaps18.die→(名词)death→(形容词)dead→(v.ing形式)dying 重点短语1.相当多;不少quiteafew2.当然;自然ofcourse3.决定做某事decidetodosth.4.尽力做某事...