AFA 2019: General Electric qualifies F110-129 engine for F-15EXPat Host, Washington, DCJane's Defence Weekly
美国GE公司F110涡扇发动机 - 百度文库 17页 发布时间: 2022年04月12日 TheF110Engine 目录 •一、研制过程•二、发动机结构•三、F110各型号•四、性能参数 一、研制过程 •1976年GE公司制造了一台F101X验证机,与原来的F101-GE-100相比,减小了... ...
The F110-GE-129 EFE (Enhanced Fighter Engine), presently undergoing qualification testing, is being offered at two different thrust/inspection levels with a maximum augmented thrust of 34,000 pounds. The EFE has been developed using low risk derivative engine technology. It features a new increased...
Bielski, Tanya
The objective of this effort under the subject contract is to prove the feasibility of an internal starter/generator (IS/G) through the preliminary design stage and demonstrate potential solutions to the engine integration issues for an electrical machine based upon switched reluctance machine ...
Informs that General Electric has completed tests of its F110-129 powerplant. How this should lead to US Air Force qualification of the engine for the F-15 early in 1997; Details of the flight testing....
从此,开始了一场发动机大战(Great Engine War)。到1994年为止,F110共获订货1065台,F100为1021台,基本上平分秋色。但通用电气公司声称它获得胜利,因为在1000多架F-16C/D战斗机中,该公司提供的发动机占75%。F110-GE-100 F110的基本型,采用了F404的风扇、加力燃烧室和喷管技术。用于F-15和F-16。F110-GE-...