品牌 Getac 分辨率 1920x1080 处理器主频 4.8GHz 屏幕尺寸 11.6in 内存容量 8GB 应用行业 石油勘探、汽车、仓储等 蓝牙功能 蓝牙5.0 产品形态 石油勘探、汽车、仓储等 工作温度 60℃ 防护等级 IP66 接口 原机多种接口可选配,支持行业定制接口,详询客服 前置摄像头 500W 机壳材质 铝镁合金 外...
Getac is a dedicated rugged device specialist. Engineered to survive the shock, rain, vibration, dust, liquid, and other diverse stresses, the IP66-certified F110 can be operated safely in the presence of rain or high-pressure water jets while also being certified for a 6-ft drop rating and...
MIL-STD-461G 交流适配器 (90W, 110-240VAC) DC-DC 车用交流适配器 (120W, 11-32VDC) 数位触控笔 带系绳的电容式触控笔 屏幕保护膜 手部绑带 侧背带 (两点式) 马鞍型肩背帶 (四点式;免手持) 车载轻型底座 xv 车用底座 xv 办公室用底座 备用SSD 100W Type-C 交流适配器 Getac强固式键盘 硬提手...
军工加固笔记本、军标加固笔记本、防爆场所加固笔记本、防爆笔记本、防爆平板、工业笔记本、工业平板、远航应用加固笔记本;全强固及半强固、可选配防爆、防盐雾。均符合国际美标STD-MIL810G、STD-MIL461G 认证及以上,以及防水IP65~IP67。 GETAC产品资料下载 ,加固笔记本定制化服务:定制硬件配置,外观改色,定制通信接口,...
The graph to the right shows our own luminance testing of the F110 display. We recorded a maximum of 1070 nits, 120 nits higher than the F110 G6 we tested, but a bit lower than what Getac lists in the device specifications, and most likely due to a slight transmission loss. ...