first, the automatic cruise (a files airplane has function which one perform), second, the province electricity pattern (remote control has turns on the light to turn off a light button function), third, 2 fast patterns (remote control has quick slow button function) fourth, the right-hand ...
Trump wrote on Truth Social Wednesday night: "The airplane was on a perfect and routine line of approach to the airport. The helicopter was going straight at the airplane for an extended period of time. It is a CLEAR NIGHT, the lights on ...
10.airplane 飞机 11.airlines (飞机的)航线 12.customs 进口税, 海关 13.boarding gate 登机口 14.customs officer 海关官员 15.duty-free shop 免税商店 16.duty-free items 免税物品 12.商场 1.elevator 电梯 2.counter 柜台 3.umbrella 雨伞 4...
让纸飞机带着童年的秘密起飞 A paper airplane carries a lot of childhood secrets~ The first secret is: I'm growing up again. The second secret is: I'm starting school. The third secret is that I have a new dream. Let the paper airplane take off with the secrets of childhood ”圆“气...
plane/airplane飞机 subway / underground 地铁 motor cycle摩托车 十一、杂物 (other things) window窗户 door门 desk课桌 chair椅子 bed床 computer计算机 board写字板 fan风扇 light灯 teacher's desk讲台 picture图画;照片 wall墙壁 floor地板curtai...
That man with one arm lost his otherlimbin an airplane crash. 那独臂男人是在一次坠机中失掉一条手臂的。 manage ['mænidʒ ] vt. 经营,管理,处理,设法,对付,操纵,运用 vi. 处理,办理,设法对付 He couldn'tmanagehis horse, and it threw him to ...
Yixian International Rural Tourism Resort is located in Yixian county, which is known as a “Village in a Chinese Painting”. This resort is a concentrated display and presentation area of Huizhou culture. It is the firs...
You go by airplane, And I‛ll go by a big ship. And I‛ll be in Scotland before you. What are you going to do? I‛m going to walk on the moon! Hooray! Hooray! I‛m going to walk on the moon! Hooray! ...
Air freight——Materials shipped via airplane—— 空运货物 AT-site——More commonly called On-site, Location ofevent or exhibit —— 展会现场 Attnedance——Number of people at show or exhibit—— 参展人数 Attendee——One who attends an exposition. May al...
昨日翻译 While anyone on an airplane can hear an infant wail, only those sitting in the seats near you will see tears roll down your cheeks while you watch the opening sequence of “Up.” 【句子精译】 尽管飞机上的乘客都能听到婴儿的啼哭,但只有坐在身旁...