The kit fits the lightweight and streamlined F104 chassis with various upgraded parts. At the front, the independent kingpin coil spring suspension's camber can be altered by switching upper mount attachment direction, while the rear rigid setup features a T-bar for smooth pitch damping, in comb...
The new F104 Version II chassis incorporates a Pivot Ball Link Rear Suspension (PBLR) like the one found on the TAMIYA 1/12 scale RM-01 chassis. Compared to the previous 3-point T-bar rear suspension system, this new setup enables more precise adjustments of the chassis’ pitch and roll...
./ ```对于使用 nix 包管理器的发行版(如 NixOS),你可以通过如下命令进行安装:```shell nix shell github:pwndbg/pwndbg pwndbg ./your-binary ```### 安装peda> 注:peda 和 pwndbg 你只需要安装其中之一,由于功能重复,且为了避免插件冲突,我们并不推荐你同时安装这两个插件。[peda](https://gi...