F1000Workspace - New Space for Scientific CollaborationCatherine Dhanjal
As a result of this new partnership, F1000Workspace users can now see a list of all the antibodies used in any research article in their library. Alicia Cooper, product manager at CiteAb said: “This new functionality in F1000Workspace is built on a specially developed CiteAb API which allows...
SelectAuthorize Access. If you are a Google Workspace admin and have installed the add-on on behalf of our users through the Google Workspace Admin Console, you can authorize the add-on on behalf of ...
Jinfo Blog: F1000Workspace - New Space for Scientific CollaborationCatherine Dhanjal
Install the Teams add-on directly from the Google Workspace Marketplace or from your Google calendar. To install the Teams add-on from your Google calendar: SelectGet Add-ons in the side panel of your Google...
Mini Review of F1000WorkspaceSophie Alexander