F1000Researchis an open research publishing venue for researchers across all disciplines. Accelerate the impact of all outputs from your research with rapid publication, open peer review, and indexing in Scopus, PubMed and MEDLINE. An open research publishing Platform offering rapid and transparent pub...
近日,国家基因库生命大数据平台(CNGBdb)的存储功能板块:国家基因库序列归档系统(CNSA)被全球首个以开放研究模式发表论文的平台F1000Research推荐为数据存储库。 #CNSA被F1000Research推荐为测序&组学数据存储库 F1000是一种快速出版、开放、为发表提供更多...
F1000 Research Ltd., the first Open Science publisher, was officially launched after a successful beta-testing phase. Launching on a new publishing platform, F1000Research is F1000's new Open Science publishing program for life scientists, offering researchers immediate publication, transparent and fast...
F1000Research Most Read of 2022 9 January, 2023Jessica Truschel 2022 marked another successful year for F1000Research and our authors. Here, we look back at some of our most popular research last year. 2022 was a busy year for F1000Research. Over 1,180 articles were published on the Platfor...
“F1000Research是面向科学家、学者和临床医生的开放研究出版平台。在没有编辑偏见的情况下,快速发表文章和相关研究成果。采用透明的同行评议并且包含所有源数据,所有文章都可从中受益。" 如果说上述的一小段话是对F1000Research高度的概括与总结,那么,接下来小编就带着大家来一起做一做阅读理解。
F1000Research strongly discourages excessive or inappropriate self-citation. Articles previously posted on a preprint server, such as ArXiv, bioRxiv, agriRxiv or PeerJ PrePrints can be submitted for publication in F1000Research. Posters and slides already posted on F1000Research can be written up as...
F1000Prime是唯一一个根据生物学和医学领域的全球领导者意见来评级和评价, 并且由此推荐最好的科研文献的服务。F1000Research:是一个涵盖所有生命科学领域的全球开放获取期刊,刊发各种形式的文章,既包括传统的科研文章、综述、单项发现、案例报告、观察、实验指南、也包括了一些其他科学出版商不可能发表的科研重复、无效...
Reviewer Report For: Advanced materials foresight: research and innovation indicators related to advanced and smart nanomaterials [version 2; peer review: 3 approved, 1 approved with reservations]. F1000Research 2023, 11:1532 (https://doi.org/10.5256/f1000research.160418.r248351) The direct URL ...