【N64】《F1国际赛车大奖赛 F-1 World Grand Prix》德版下载,喜欢赛车游戏的玩家千万不要错过这款游戏啦,玩家可以在游戏中选择一款你喜欢的车型进行比赛,快来挑战看看吧! F1赛车大奖赛十分爽快的赛车游戏来了,准备好挑战你的驾驶技术了吗,F1赛车大奖赛游戏中驾驶超过10种不通风格的F1赛车驰骋在赛道上,超越对手夺...
F1 World GP on N64 plays very well, I think. I played the hell out of it at uni and went back to it not so long ago expecting it to have aged very badly but it was still great. The super twitchy controls on that N64 stick really help it. ...