交通工具-跑车启动-发动机声音(Sports car starting engine),公交车待命-发动机声音-轰隆轰隆(Bus - On Standby _1_),汽车发动机声音,三轮车(6)-发动机声音(Three-Wheeler Vehicle _6_ - Engine Sound),发动机声音01,汽车快速行驶 (4),发动机声音2,机械机器-发动机声音-哒
There’s also a phatter sound system: a Bowers & Wilkins setup, which still isn’t likely to drown out the thunder of that V8 as you watch several other cars that are faster than you hare past on the outside lane. We jest: it loud.It...
1595 -- 0:19 App LANCIA DELTA body + SUPRA Engine = Unique Monster 123 -- 0:45 App 【v8】1965 Dodge Coronet Hemi Gasser 169 -- 0:25 App 【隧道内】Nissan GTR Sound & Fire Shot 163 -- 0:09 App 【日产】Crazy 800bhp Nissan GTR R35 385 -- 0:18 App GTR 34 1424 -- 0...
“It’s funny how you get used to things because the V6s with the energy recovery systems they currently have are much quieter than the old V10s and V12s or even the V8s. So now when we roll out a show car and you hear a V10 or a V8 engine, all the mechanics put their tool...
TheV8 Hybrid Engine Pack modbrings back the sound of the old V8 engine in the new modern car. This mod includes hybrid engines of BMW, Ford, Ferrari, Mercedes, Porsche, and Renault. LucasDesigns’ 2022 Season Mod If you are a fan of official liveries and lots of other mods, then Lusc...
修改设备树之后,要检查下Device Drivers->Sound card support->Advanced Linux Sound Architecture->ALSA ...
The Best Sounding F1 Engine——1995 Ferrari 412 T2 Sound 上传者:v8enginert 51:08 2009F1马来西亚站正赛录像 上传者:一小步,一大步 2:15:00 F1 2007赛季 日本站 (Pre宽屏上视) 上传者:嘉里速速 2:12:03 2007F1巴西站-正赛 上传者:普普迷 ...
The RAWWWWWWR from the high-reving V12, that pure american muscle v8, and every engine in between. This is what is unforgettable about our hobby. Through eGarage’s social outlets ofInstagram,Facebook,Flickrwe share photos of all of the spectacular engines that we come across. You may se...
本期《孤岛车谈》我们请来前奥迪运动工程师徐桑、《方程式漫谈》播客的两位主持人117和村长托马斯,一起聊聊这个即将在2026年加入F1赛场的最成功赛车品牌之一奥迪,梳理一下他的赛车史,分析一下他的优势和不足。 Michele Mouton和她的Audi Quattro赛车 Audi A4 DTM aodia 奥迪运动的领袖Wolfgang Ullrich Dieter Gass...
The song, the V8 sound out of the stacks, a load of trees going down an empty highway, and the prospect of date money that I earned myself was a memory that I will never forget. My best vehicle ever. 6 Reply John Jasper Feb 27, 2024 at 1:34pm Can still hear the starter, ...