If two plants from the F1 generation are crossed, what would be the phenotype ratio of the F2 generation? A woman who has normal vision and is heterozygous for color blindness has children with a man who is color blind. What is the expected ratio of...
Starting at P14, Elfn1 expression can also be seen in the INL and ONL. Beginning with P7, the number of intensely labelled GCL cell bodies declines in the Brn3a KO retinas (Fig. 8a), and this reduction reaches significant levels at P14 (p < 0.001) and persists in adult stage (p < ...
ELSEVIERBrenners Encyclopedia of Genetics
P Generation F1 Generation F1b Generation F2 Generation F2b Generation F3 Generation Multi Generation Crossbred dogs and designer dogs are often referred to asF1, F2, or F3, or even F1b or F2b. It is just theaccepted nomenclaturein which we candistinguish hybrid dog breeds between the differe...
Definition: the offspring of a genetically specified mating: first filial generation (symbol F1), the offspring of parents of contrasting genotypes; second filial generation (F2), the offspring of two F1 individuals; third filial generation (F3), fourth filial generation (F4), etc., the offspri...
Interspecific hybrid incompatibility, including inviability and sterility, is important in speciation; however, its genetic basis remains largely unknown in vertebrates. Crosses between male chickens and female Japanese quails using artificial inseminati
Conditional deletion of Sox2 using a targeted Hesx1Cre allele, expressed in the anterior neural ridge (Dattani et al., 1998), results in loss of GnRH neurons from the earliest stages of their migration in the brain. This suggests that loss of the protein in the placode prevents generation ...
1Rakic, P. A century of progress in corticoneurogenesis: from silver impregnation to genetic engineering.Cereb Cortex16 Suppl 1, i3-17, doi:10.1093/cercor/bhk036 (2006). 2Herculano-Houzel, S.et al.The elephant brain in numbers.Front Neuroanat8, 46, ...
Using next-generation sequencing technologies it is possible to resequence entire plant genomes or sample entire transcriptomes more efficiently and economically and in greater depth than ever before. Rather than sequencing individual genomes, we envision the sequencing of hundreds or even thousands of rel...
Multi-parent advanced generation inter-cross (MAGIC) populations in rice: progress and potential for genetics research and breeding BackgroundThis article describes the development of Multi-parent Advanced Generation Inter-Cross populations (MAGIC) in rice and discusses potential applic... N Bandillo,C...