Also found in: Dictionary, Medical, Encyclopedia. AcronymDefinition F1 Formula 1 F1 First Year F1 Form 1 F1 First Generation (genetics) F1 First Formant Frequency (speech acoustics) F1 Function 1 key (keyboard) F1 Largest Preovulatory Follicle (reproductive science) Copyright 1988-2018 AcronymFind...
ELSEVIERBrenners Encyclopedia of Genetics
65 comments on “Meaning of F1, F1b, F2, F2b & F3 In Hybrid Dog Breeds” carol May 4, 2016 at 4:36pm Reply what is the definition of two F1b’s mating? Is it desirable? Lazhar May 5, 2016 at 7:45am Reply An F1b x F1b breeding is a multi-generation and thus has...
Reiner A. Veitia, in Trends in Genetics, 2021 Molecular and Cellular Functions of the FOX Proteins: An Overview FOX factors can play important epigenetic roles. For instance, FOXA proteins have been described as pioneer factors because they can open compacted chromatin without involving chromatin ...
phenotype of chicken- Japanese quail F1 hybrids Satoshi Ishishita1, Keiji Kinoshita1, Mikiharu Nakano1 &Yoichi Matsuda1,2 Interspecific hybrid incompatibility, including inviability and sterility, is important in speciation; however, its genetic basis remains largely unknown in vertebrates. ...
Interspecific hybrid incompatibility, including inviability and sterility, is important in speciation; however, its genetic basis remains largely unknown in vertebrates. Crosses between male chickens and female Japanese quails using artificial inseminati
Definition: the offspring of a genetically specified mating: first filial generation (symbol F1), the offspring of parents of contrasting genotypes; second filial generation (F2), the offspring of two F1 individuals; third filial generation (F3), fourth filial generation (F4), etc., the offspr...
Using next-generation sequencing technologies it is possible to resequence entire plant genomes or sample entire transcriptomes more efficiently and economically and in greater depth than ever before. Rather than sequencing individual genomes, we envision the sequencing of hundreds or even thousands of rel...
[29,30,31]. Downstream effectors include cell-surface adhesion molecules which are crucial in definition of axon and dendritic morphologies via interaction with their partners on other cells [32,33,34]. Structural and cytoskeleton-associated molecules provide a mechanistic basis for morphological ...
1Rakic, P. A century of progress in corticoneurogenesis: from silver impregnation to genetic engineering.Cereb Cortex16 Suppl 1, i3-17, doi:10.1093/cercor/bhk036 (2006). 2Herculano-Houzel, al.The elephant brain in numbers.Front Neuroanat8, 46, ...