第一步将需要比较计算的两条或多条溶出曲线,经File-Load-1 Load In Vitro Dissolution vs. Time Profile (.dsd)加载到模型文件夹中,注意不同的溶出数据需设置单独的文件名称; 第二步点击Tools-F1/F2 Comparison of In Vitro Data,打开F...
Evaluation of dissolution profile similarity - Comparison between the f2, the multivariate statistical distance and the f2 bootstrapping methodsEurop 热度: UL f1 - f2 Outdoor Suitability 热度: Performance and variability patterns in wood properties and growth traits in the parents, F1 and F2 ...
“溶出度拟合因子”f1 和 f2 是采用统计学方法设计的实验中的响应变量。通过这些拟合因子可以确定两个样品组和特征曲线之间的溶出度数据是否拟合。 步骤1 使用一些预创建的自定义字段轻松计算两组溶出度运行之间的 f1 和 f2。这些自定义字段可从“溶出度缺省”项目复制到您的 Emp...
The recently described role of RNA methylation in regulating immune cell infiltration into tumors has attracted interest, given its potential impact on immunotherapy response. YTHDF1 is a versatile and powerful m6A reader, but the understanding of its impact on immune evasion is limited. Here, we ...
China's X-like platform Sina Weibo on Thursday evening announced the dissolution of fan communities, or "super topics," dedicated to certain athletes in order to protect sportspersons from the toxic fan culture. The personal...
Predictors of Relationship Dissolution in Lesbian, Gay, and Heterosexual Adoptive Parents Little work has examined relationship dissolution or divorce in adoptive parents or same-sex parent couples. The current study examined predictors of relat... AE Goldberg,R Garcia - 《Journal of Family Psychology...
Mount vi.登 vt.爬上,给某人备马;架置;安放 Cell n.细胞;盒,单元;房间 Scatter vt.使分散,消散 Radius n.辐射光路,半径,半径距离 Gently ad.文雅地,温柔地;渐渐地,轻轻地 Dissolution 溶解 Tracer n.示溶物,军。电光弹 Positive a.确定的 Guard n.守卫,卫兵,哨兵,防护装置 Slug n.弹丸,子弹,插嵌 ...
DDDPlus软件是个性化药物放行的利器,具有强大的数据分析功能,特别适合用于溶出数据的处理与分析。以下是使用该软件计算差异因子f1和相似因子f2的步骤。 首先,要开始分析,用户需要将待比较的溶出曲线数据加载到DDDPlus中。具体步骤为:打开软件,选择‘File’菜单中的‘Load’,然后选择‘LoadInVitroDissolutionvs.TimeProfile(...
一个盒子装有六张卡片,上面分别写着如下六个函数:f1(x)=x3,f2(x)=5|x|,f3(x)=2, ,,f6(x)=xcosx,(Ⅰ)从中任意拿取2张卡片,若其中有一张卡片上写着的函数为奇函数。在此条件下,求两张卡片上写着的函数相加得到的新函数为奇函数的概率;(Ⅱ)现从盒子中
A case of early dissolution of the microsporocyte callose wall in male-sterile (CMS) sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). Biol. Plant. 1982, 24, 260–265. 43. Wang, S.B.; Luo, XD; Dai, L.F. Meiotic observation and male gametes development in cytoplasmic male sterile of pepper (...