奔驰W11 vs 法拉利F2004带有光头轮胎 Assetto Corsa 01:38 粉碎纽博格林北环记录 将保时捷919 EVO推到极限 05:35 柴油车之间的竞赛,在伊莫拉赛道上谁更快? 03:02 奔驰W05在巴塞罗那赛道能战胜红牛RB09吗? 01:50 V8至高无上的战斗 NASCAR VS SUPERCAR 在巴瑟斯特赛道 02:23 不同时代的F1赛车速度对...
奔驰W11 vs 法拉利F2004带有光头轮胎 Assetto Corsa 01:38 粉碎纽博格林北环记录 将保时捷919 EVO推到极限 05:35 柴油车之间的竞赛,在伊莫拉赛道上谁更快? 03:02 奔驰W05在巴塞罗那赛道能战胜红牛RB09吗? 01:50 V8至高无上的战斗 NASCAR VS SUPERCAR 在巴瑟斯特赛道 02:23 不同时代的F1赛车速度对...
Testing Platform 测试平台:Assetto Corsa 《出赛准备》 Car Brand 车辆品牌: Ms Maserati Lt Lotus Fr Ferrari ML McLaren Wi Williams 一、 探究背景 我们前几期曾办过赛车速度对比,比如“2016年各类赛车速度柱状图对比”,“2019年上海国际赛车场各类赛车圈速对比”。这两个都是对“同年代的不同种赛车”进行对比,...
Créez une écurie dans le mode Carrière « Mon Écurie », participez à un duel effréné en écran partagé, en mode Carrière Deux Joueurs ou en multijoueur, ou en pilotant une prestigieuse supercar dans notre nouvelle fonctionnalité, les séries d'épreuves de chrono Pirelli. ...
Drive like the greatest and feel at one with the car through the all-new EA SPORTS Dynamic Handling System, and Ignite your Passion by connecting to your favourite teams and drivers while proving that you have what it takes across new modes and experiences. ● Unleash Your Champion: Discover...
Assetto Corsa Evo Assetto Corsa EVO First Impressions: Very Promising Core Surrounded By Early Access Issues Yannik Haustein Jan 17, 2025 Comments 130 Assetto Corsa Evo Assetto Corsa EVO Roadmap Confirms New Track, Server Issues Restrict Car Choice On Launch Yannik Haustein Jan 16, 2025 ...
这款由FMCG International开发的全名为“Full Size Racing Car Simulator”的1比1大小F1赛车控制器在英国发售,大家猜猜售价是多少钱?只要89999,真实F1回家就有! 这款机器外形和真实F1赛车一样大,内部由酷睿i7处理器的PC构成,配有杜比5.1换饶立体声,外部搭载3个23寸液晶显示屏。当然这台外设还可能在未来有追加技能...
Assetto Corsa EVO v0.1.4 Promises VR And Triple Screen Optimisation Connor Minniss Jan 29, 2025 Comments 79 Assetto Corsa Evo Assetto Corsa EVO VR: Working For Some, Messy For Others Yannik Haustein Jan 19, 2025 Comments 42 Assetto Corsa Evo Assetto Corsa EVO Update Enables Car Cus...
tl;dr you pay 300$+ to get the less overall enjoyment with substandard physics than you would in a private rFactor 2 or Assetto Corsa league with. Do not confuse immersion with simulation guys! Shiney tracks and a decent public service still do not justify the price!===綜合前兩點,在性能...
As a driver, you want to feel every kerb, every rumble strip and every bump in the road. Most importantly, however, you want to feel the weight of the car. When the car turns into a bend, the weight of the car moves onto the outside wheels, as the weight transfers, the force thr...