“溶出度拟合因子”f1 和 f2 是采用统计学方法设计的实验中的响应变量。通过这些拟合因子可以确定两个样品组和特征曲线之间的溶出度数据是否拟合。 步骤1 使用一些预创建的自定义字段轻松计算两组溶出度运行之间的 f1 和 f2。这些自定义字段可从“溶出度缺省”项目复制到您的 Emp...
Evaluation of dissolution profile similarity - Comparison between the f2, the multivariate statistical distance and the f2 bootstrapping methodsEurop 热度: UL f1 - f2 Outdoor Suitability 热度: Performance and variability patterns in wood properties and growth traits in the parents, F1 and F2 ...
The recently described role of RNA methylation in regulating immune cell infiltration into tumors has attracted interest, given its potential impact on immunotherapy response. YTHDF1 is a versatile and powerful m6A reader, but the understanding of its impact on immune evasion is limited. Here, we ...
Predictors of Relationship Dissolution in Lesbian, Gay, and Heterosexual Adoptive Parents Little work has examined relationship dissolution or divorce in adoptive parents or same-sex parent couples. The current study examined predictors of relat... AE Goldberg,R Garcia - 《Journal of Family Psychology...
China's X-like platform Sina Weibo on Thursday evening announced the dissolution of fan communities, or "super topics," dedicated to certain athletes in order to protect sportspersons from the toxic fan culture. The personal...
B. 于香气和滋味的发挥In the play of aroma and taste C. 少内含物的溶出Dissolution of less inclusions D. 持茶壶的色泽Hold the color of the teapot 查看完整题目与答案 工频变化量方向元件,可用于 A. 延时的后备保护; B. 有延时的电流保护; C. 工频变化量距离保护。 D. 瞬时动作的主保护...
水系锌电目前已经成为电化学储能关注的热点。然而,其水系电解液低温下冻结及动力学严重下降的问题尤为严重。因此,针对水系锌电解液低温下的盐溶解、溶剂化设计及扩散动力学的匹配性研究至关重要。 基于此,南开大学程方益教授团队在Nature Reviews Chemistry上发表题为“...
A case of early dissolution of the microsporocyte callose wall in male-sterile (CMS) sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). Biol. Plant. 1982, 24, 260–265. 43. Wang, S.B.; Luo, XD; Dai, L.F. Meiotic observation and male gametes development in cytoplasmic male sterile of pepper (...
Dissolution of solid steel cylinder into molten Fe-C alloy was investigated at the temperature from 1300℃ to 1500℃. In this paper, the viscosity and the density of the melt and the diffusion coefficient of carbon were estimated from th... 小坂 岑雄,蓑輪 晋 - 《鐵と鋼:日本鐡鋼協會々誌...
Development and application of a validated HPLC method for the analysis of dissolution samples of levothyroxine sodium drug products A rapid, selective, and sensitive gradient HPLC method was developed for the analysis of dissolution samples of levothyroxine sodium tablets. Current USP m... JW Collier...