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This mod is the base for my Semi Modular Mods system, where the goal is to be easily able to copy & paste, add and remove mods into F1 23 in a more convenient way than c&p too many files or EEA all around the game.Without this mod (system), it will not be possible to do ...
游戏名称: F1 Circus 中文名: 方程式赛车 - F1 巡回赛 中文别名: F-1 竞赛场、F-1 赛车 开发商:Make Software 发行商:Nichibutsu 游戏平台:NES 发行于日本: September 1991 本游戏有隐藏的选关功能. 赛道与机器选择 在世锦赛期间,选中 "LAP" 菜单选项,在控制器2上按住上+ A键,然后按控制器1上的A键,会...
F1破片手榴弹 WIKI功能 阅读 查看源代码 查看历史 浏览属性 页面贡献者 阅读: 更新日期:2024-05-03 最新编辑:对味Cherry 页面贡献者 : F1破片手榴弹 物品介绍性能可靠的爆破装置。 物品叠加5 消失时间20分钟 英文名称 F1 Grenade 物品短名称 grenade.f1
这是JSON格式的HTML实现。HTML对调试很有用,但不适合应用程序使用。 指定format参数以更改输出格式。要查看JSON格式的非HTML实现,设置format=json。 参见完整文档,或API帮助以获取更多信息。 {"batchcomplete":"","continue":{"afcontinue":"F1_2019_background.jpg|1","continue":"-||"},"query":{"allfile...
"*" 是一个空格。 "X" 对应关卡数(关卡数 1-9=字母A-I)。"Y" 对应局数(局数1-16=字母A-P)。在日版中,密码为さとる*XY,关卡数1-9 = 字符あ, い, う, え, お, ら, り, る, れ. 局数1-16 = 字符 あ, い, う, え, お, ら, り, る, れ, ろ, か, き, く, け, こ....
popular table-top roleplaying system, though it is not a copy-paste update. No, this is a re-imagining of the class using new mechanics and systems to make it more fun and focused than other the other ranger-rogues available in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. The book has the following...
SWARMS is a beautiful bestiary for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game featuring 80 spectacular swarms of killer creatures perfect for your campaign! Within these pages, you'll find clouds and carpets of spiders and centipedes, wasps and snakes, including common vermin and monstrous variants like the ...
Out of my love to the game 'Reverse 1999' and Obsidian, I have spent a lot of time and devotion creating and organizing this Wiki library, and I am sharing it for free. @@ -45,3 +48,11 @@ If you appreciate my work and find it meaningful or helpful to you, you can supp ...