pp4 udphelper portcb format: display ip command 4 <uiVrId> [<usPort>] 5. pp4 udphelper ifcb format: display ip command 5 <uiVrId> [<uiIfIndex>] 6. pp4 icmpsec if ratelimit format: display ip command 6 <uiVrId> [<uiIfIndex>] 7. pp4 icmp sec info format: display ip ...
Bit error status information sent by the BFD module to the VRP: 0: No CRC bit error is detected. 1: CRC bit errors are detected. ToVrpCrcErrCntByMd Number of CRC bit error packets sent by the BFD module to the VRP. RcvNpCrcErrCntByMd Number of BFD CRC bit error packets received by...
xdaq-VR17173-xalan-remove-hardcoded-lib-paths-linux-macosx.patch xerces-c-2.8.0-fix-narrowing-conversion.patch xerces-c-2.8.0-osx106.patch xerces-c-toolfile.spec xerces-c.spec xrootd-3.1.0-add-GetHandle-XrdClientAbs-header.patch xrootd-3.1.0-client-send-moninfo...
1、由于UniWebView 是贴屏显示的,所以在UGUI中的的UI组件在Web显示后会被覆盖掉 2、由于UniWebView 是贴屏幕显示,所以在AR/VR 3D世界中使用不是很有好 3、UniWebView 不支持 PC端,所以请打包到 Android 或者 IOS 设备上运行 八、效果预览 九、实现 通过UGUI控制 WebView 大小的使用的具体步骤 1、打开Unity...
Vmean(Off)=3(Vseg/2)+3(–Vr/2)(2) Vmean(On)andVmean(Off)assumeidenticalperiodsforeachphase. Equatingequations(1)(2)tozero,thatisputtingVmean(On)=0andVmean(Off)=0, gives:Vseg=VCOM=Vr=VCC,where: ●VCOMistheumvoltageontheCOMline ...
Add "GS++: Error Analyzing and Optimal Gaussian Splatting" Add "360-GS: Layout-guided Panoramic Gaussian Splatting For Indoor Roaming" 2024/01/31 Add "VR-GS: A Physical Dynamics-Aware Interactive Gaussian Splatting System in Virtual Reality" 2024/01/30 Add "LIV-GaussMap...
MAL_INST2 mal_inst_port[5326] in /dm8/data/DM/dmmal.ini not equal with port_num[5236] in dm.ini or DCR_EP_PORT in dmdcr_cfg.ini Read /dm8/data/DM/dmmal.ini error. MAL sys initialization failed! dmserver startup failed, code = -803 [Invalid ini config value] nsvr_ini_file_...
Also, it records status entries that show the exchange of ACTIVATION and DEACTIVATION commands for specific resources, virtual route inoperative (VRINOP) conditions, lost trace data (within NCP), and the start of a session for a specific logical unit. Trace data and status records are sent to...
The TLF30682QVS01 provide the following voltages: +3,3V for TriCore (connected to VEXT and VEVRSB) and Ethernet Phy +5V supply (used by CAN and FlexRay™ transceivers and is connected to VDDM and VAREFx) +1,25V for TriCore (connected to VDD) Applying a stable supply voltage causes...
• Bit 6: Voltage Conversion Result Ready Interrupt; status is set by the ADC unit when a single voltage measurement (register adcVrcl == 0) or multiple voltage measurements defined by the adcVrcl (register adcVrcl != 0) have been completed and the result is available. • Bit 7: ...