PS4, PS5 Release: 13/6/2023 Publisher: EA Swiss Sarl Genres: Driving/Racing Voice: Chinese, Dutch, English, French (France), German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish, Spanish (Mexico) Screen Languages: Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), Dutch, English, French (France), German, ...
PS4, PS5 Release: 12/6/2023 Publisher: EA Swiss Sarl Genres: Driving/Racing Voice: Chinese, Dutch, English, French (France), German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish, Spanish (Mexico) Screen Languages: Arabic, Chinese (Simplified), Dutch, English, French (France), German, ...
PS4游戏《F1车队经理2023》更新 1.10,1.10版本对车队管理系统进行了优化,新增了更多的数据分析工具和策略选项。玩家可以更详细地监控车队的表现,并制定更高效的训练和研发计划。加入了一些全新的赛事和挑战模式,进一步丰富了游戏的内容。玩家可以在新的赛道和条件下完成高难度的比赛,解锁独特的奖励和成就。《F1车...
This product entitles you to download both the digital PS4® version and the digital PS5® version of this game.The intense world of Formula 1® comes alive for a new season in F1® Manager 2023. 23 races, six F1® Sprint events, new cars, new circuits including the Las Vegas ...
Take your seat for a new season and race stunningly different cars on iconic tracks including the brand new Miami International Autodrome. Race day, redefined Take control of your race experience with immersive and cinematic formation laps and safety car periods, interactive pit stops and all-new ...
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《F1 23》将于2023年6月16日正式发售,登陆PS4/PS5。游戏支持简体中文&繁体中文。 游戏将发售标准版及冠军版,购买冠军版可提前3天游玩本作。 图3为两个版本包含的内容。冠军版中的拉斯维加斯组合包需要在5月31日前预购方可获得;4位「我的车队」模式的车手为尼格尔·曼塞尔、杰米·查德威克、马尔多纳多和小林可...
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《F1 赛车经理 2022》是一款赛车竞速类游戏,该作将于 8 月 25 日登陆 PS4 等多平台,对这款游戏感兴趣的玩家朋友不要错过了呦~ 近日,开发商 Frontier Developments 公布了《F1 赛车经理 2022》的实机预告片,并宣布本作将于 8 月 25 日登陆 PS5/Xbox Series X|S/PS4/Xbox One/Steam/Epic 平台。