阿斯顿马丁车队领队克拉克Mike Crack表示,尽管旗下车手阿隆索于迈阿密大奖赛再次拿下了季军席次,但他们并不认为自己在F1登上颁奖台是理所当然的事。 上个赛事周末于迈阿密国际赛道的比赛中,两届世界冠军取得了在2023赛季的第四个颁奖台完赛成绩,他在排位赛中占下头排的其中一个位置,可惜正式比赛中被势如破竹的维...
阿斯顿马丁车队领队克拉克Mike Crack表示,尽管旗下车手阿隆索于迈阿密大奖赛再次拿下了季军席次,但他们并不认为自己在F1登上颁奖台是理所当然的事。 上个赛事周末于迈阿密国际赛道的比赛中,两届世界冠军取得了在2023赛季的第四个颁奖台完赛成绩,他在排位赛中占下头排的其中一个位置,可惜正式比赛中被势如破竹的维斯塔...
F1:阿隆索焕发第二春不足喜,领队浇了一盆冷水,敦促车队要实际 阿斯顿马丁车队领队克拉克Mike Crack表示,尽管旗下车手阿隆索于迈阿密大奖赛再次拿下了季军席次,但他们并不认为自己在F1登上颁奖台是理所当然的事。 上个赛事周末于迈阿密国际赛道的比赛中,两届世界冠军取得了在2023赛季的第四个颁奖台完赛成绩,他在排位...
"Formula 1: Drive to Survive" has been credited with everything from helping F1 crack the U.S. to rejuvenating the sport itself. These narratives not only oversimplify Netflix's impact on F1, but overshadow a broader shift in the way fans engage with sport. ...
Why not look a little further into the future? As a bit of fun over the summer break, we asked Will Buxton to cast his mind four years ahead to 2025 to have a crack at what the grid will look like. While new teams and new engine manufacturers ma...
Historic content we can really spend time with It’s been a tough nut to crack for this series, hasn’t it? What to do with F1’s rich history. We’ve had some historic cars here and there, and they’ve felt impressively terrifying to drive. But there’s never been enough of ...
m Sarah, also known as Modsetti, and I'm part of the new Content team. If you've been checking out our shorts on TikTok, Instagram, or YouTube, you might've already spotted me. I'll have a full introduction a bit later on, but for now, we'll crack on with today's interview....
1988年, 车神埃尔顿·塞纳成为泰格豪雅品牌大使,并参与品牌的首个“重压之下无惧色”(Don't Crack Under Pressure)宣传活动。2015年,泰格豪雅开始推出纪念埃尔顿·塞纳的表款,延续至今。得益于TAG集团也拥有迈凯伦F1车队的多数股权,从1986年起,泰格豪雅的标志出现在这支车队赛车的前部。1987年,一个新的系列推出,名...
SK:Apart from Ferrari, who are tipped by some as frontrunners this season, my answer has to be Alpine given that the works team pulled out some stellar results in 2021 and have a crack technical team working with two-time champion Fernando Alonso and ...
马克斯所展现的非凡天赋和体育精神,无论在赛道内外,都比以往任何时候更能体现我们 ‘重压之下无惧色’(Don’t Crack Under Pressure)的态度。”泰格豪雅首席执行官Frédéric Arnault表示,“我们同样对车队的总冠军头衔印象深刻,他们的杰出表现与坚定专注收获了当之无愧的认可。当然还有塞尔吉奥·佩雷兹获得的赛季...