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F1 2016 Steam key presents a new career mode that takes you on a 10-season-long journey and introduces you to the subtleties of the formula motorsport industry. The game also introduces Safety Cars for the first time, adding to the realistic feel of the game. Take the iconic vehicles for...
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There is talk that Hamilton was close to retiring from the sport after Spain, while he has publicly said there was more to the decision to swap key members of crew than meets the eye. Mercedes mighty PR machine denies all this - as it has to - but one cannot help feel that ultimately...
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Slowly the Grove outfit built up a head of steam however, and by Canada was being taken a lot more seriously, pundits now realising that the team's pre-season test form was no fluke. In Austria Massa led a 1-2 in qualifying, the Brazilian going on to finish fourth in the race. Mean...