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the website. This creates a huge inconvenience to customers since they would need the user to download a file simply to view your menu. Some potential customers may completely log off from the page itself and check other restaurants instead. Additionally, this process disrupts the look and flow...
Sacrifice, see – but it worked. 2014 saw Ocon break through in the world of single-seaters, as he beat a certain Max Verstappen to the European F3 title. Backed by Mercedes, he won the GP3 title the following year and was halfway through a season of DTM in 2016 when he was offere...
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In 2014, NVIDIA created the Game Ready Driver program to provide the best day-0 gaming experience. In order to accomplish this, the release cadence for Game Ready Drivers is driven by the release of major new game content giving our driver team as much time as possible to work on a given...
Vu DT, Velusamy V, Park E (2014) Structure and chemical composition of wild soybean seed coat related to its permeability. Pak J Bot 46:1847–1857 Google Scholar Wang KJ, Li XH (2011) Interspecific gene flow and the origin of semi-wild soybean revealed by capturing the natural occurrence...
RMSE和MAE的数量级基本相同了,但RMSE会比MAE大一些,RMSE惩罚了预测误差大的数据点。关于用RMSE还是MAE,有比较多的讨论(Willmott et al., 2005, 2009)、(Chai, 2014),跟使用场景的数据分布等相关。当然求得的回归曲线RMSE值越小,反映求得曲线的最大误差也是较小的。所以RMSE值越小,性能performance越好...
Download: Download XML file (245B) Multimedia component 2. Research data for this article Data not available / Data will be made available on requestFurther information on research dataReferences Abghari and Chen, 2014 A. Abghari, S. Chen Yarrowia lipolytica as an oleaginous cell factory platf...
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