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After isolation, the cells were resuspended in Ca2+-free HBSS at 5 × 106 cells/ml and stored at room temperature until use (< 1 h). BN-PAGE and immunoblot analysis Antibodies against F-ATPase that can be used for immunoprecipitation are unavailable; thus, F-ATPase binding ...
N6-methyladenosine (m6A), and its reader protein YTHDF1, play a pivotal role in human tumorigenesis by affecting nearly every stage of RNA metabolism. Autophagy activation is one of the ways by which cancer cells survive hypoxia. However, the possible in
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βFTZ-F1 was suggested to function in the induction of BMWCP9 (Ali et al., 2012a), since βFTZ-F1 was inducible by decline in the ecdysteroid titre and was induced by a 6-h exposure to 20E followed by 6 h in the hormone-free medium (Sun et al., 1994). In Drosophila, βFTZ-...