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Key Features The sequel to the BAFTA award winning 2millon+ seller F1 2010™ Go compete in split-screen, co-op Championships and online against 16 players plus 8 AI to simulate full 24 car grids Features all the stars, cars and circuits from the 2011 FIA FORMULA ONE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP™...
目前在Humble Bundle可以免费领取原价126元的《F1 2018》的Steam激活key,领取了之后可以直接在Steam上激活。 领取地址:https://www.humblebundle.com/store/f1-2018-free-game 玩家进入Humble Bundle的免费领取页面中,就可以免费领取《F1 2018》的激活key了,随后到Steam平台中激活一下即可入库。免费领取截止8月10日。
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at times this policy, though admirable, appeared to hurt the team like a wound festering beneath the skin. There is talk that Hamilton was close to retiring from the sport after Spain, while he has publicly said there was more to the decision to swap key members of crew than meets the ...
A NEW WAY TO PLAY Build your legacy and relive key moments from the 2023 FIA Formula One® World Championship in Race Replay, a brand-new mode which brings you even closer to the real-world F1® season. Starting Grid replicates the real race conditions and driver starting positions of ...
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Steam can be foundhere. This is an EU key that can only be used / activated within Europe. Delivery time:5-10 minutes Stock:available Region:EU Platform:Steam RRP $ 38,11 $ 27,22 Quantity1 Product description Lead your team to glory in F1 Manager 2024. A new Formula 1 season has ar...