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This is something that makes me proud, and this is part of why I never regretted my comeback. I can be happy with my performance and the fact that I was continuously raising my game during the last three years. But then, at some point it is time to say goodbye. “Already during the...
We’re down to the final showdown in Round 1 of oursearch for the most influential figure in Formula 1 history.With the bracket already filled up for the next round of drivers, team bosses and innovators, it’s time to for you to vote for the sport’s mo...
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23456..10 hu7825 2011-5-13 16:46 29717431 永远galgame 2023-1-7 14:23 预览 [补丁] Formula One 2011 赛季 车手真实视角 ...23456..18 hu7825 2011-5-15 23:45 51027151 fiaf1wrc 2022-5-8 18:57 预览 [其它] f1 2020进去就报错啊。。。 hendry123 2021-5-25 16:52 2401 gudmer 2022-...
Saturday nights. They've got to be paid. They've got to be funded for. The whole atmosphere of this weekend is more like a festival as opposed to one race. And if you compare the price of a ticket for a 90-minute football game versus a four-day event it'd be interesting to see...
奥康使用31号。Alpine F1车手使用他2007年获得第一个卡丁车冠军时的号码。他一直认为那是他职业生涯中最好的一年。他在2014年10月为莲花车队的首次F1测试中同样使用31号。 Seven-time F1 champion Lewis Hamilton races with #44. The Briton drove his first kart race with this number, but didn't know wha...