US lead demand slowed further over the past month. With smelters running well and battery production down in Q2, stocks have built along the supply chain. Greater availability has resulted in spot premia taking another step down. Lead demand in the USA slowed further over the past month with ...
摘要: 卡扎赫什坦稀有金属矿在硫化矿浮选时获得含黄铁矿很高(>70%)的混合精矿,其中含黄铜矿(<2%)、与硫化矿共生的铋矿物和脉石矿物。对这种中间产品采用优先浮选时,铋损失很大;在盐酸溶液中,氧化铋和自然铋容易溶解,而硫化铋要有氧化剂存在时才分解。关键词:...
HOUSTON (ICIS)--The spread between US spot styrene and feedstock US spot benzene widened in the week ended 11 August, following two consecutive weeks of narrowing, ICIS analysis showed on Monday. The spread between the two products for the week ended 11 August was 15.662 cents/lb, up from ...