F-distribution 英[ef ˌdistriˈbju:ʃən] 美[ef ˌdɪstrəˈbjuʃən] 释义 F 分布 实用场景例句 全部 Each F distribution has a pair of degrees of freedom. 每个F分布,都有一对自由度. 辞典例句 Turbulent diffusion coefficient is computed by F - distribution. The model can ...
美 英 n.F分布 网络FF分布;F分配 英汉 网络释义 n. 1. F分布 例句
The F-Distribution F 分布和卡方分布类似,F 分布也是一个“分布族”,对于不同的自由度有着不同的分布曲线。 而且都是非对称,只有 x > 0 的情况下才有意义的。 F 分布的变化相当剧烈,尤其是当自由度较小的…
f-distribution (1,1,-3) in spherical coordinates conical spiral ReferencesAbramowitz, M. and Stegun, I. A. (Eds.). Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, 9th printing. New York: Dover, pp. 946-949, 1972.David...
TheLimitsofUsingtheF-DistributiontoTestVariance F分布进行方差检验的限制: 1、必须确保两个总体服从正态分布 2、样本点的非线性、离群点会严重影响F统计量,造成检验错误 补充:如何用excel绘制F分布的密度函数 根据F分布密度函数的公式: =EXP(GAMMALN((B$2+C$2)/2))*(B$2^(B$2/2))*(C$2^(C$2/2...
Related to F-distribution:T-distribution F distribution n (Statistics)statisticsa continuous distribution obtained from the ratio of two chi-square distributions and used esp to test the equality of the variances of two normally distributed variances ...
The meaning of F DISTRIBUTION is a probability density function that is used especially in analysis of variance and is a function of the ratio of two independent random variables each of which has a chi-square distribution and is divided by its number of
The F-Distribution is also called as Variance Ratio Distribution as it usually defines the ratio of the variances of the two normally distributed populations
f) 在《联合国统计年鉴》中公布批发零售业统计数据( # 年)。 MultiUn f) Vaccination campaigns anddistributionof insecticide-treated mosquito nets 根据《减贫战略文件》,中非共和国的贫困情况主要是通过货币方法来诊断的。 MultiUn For instance, if we impose some requirements on adistribution f, we can atte...
Cumulative distribution function of F distribution is given as: Formula F(x;d1,d2)=Id1xd1x+d2(d12,d22)F(x;d1,d2)=Id1xd1x+d2(d12,d22) Where − d1d1= positive parameter. d2d2= positive parameter. xx= random variable. ...