F - 35联合项目办公室(Joint Program Office,简称为JPO)在2016年的时候就知道他们可能无法在2017年10月结束F-35的试飞发展测试阶段,他们估计今年的2月甚至5月才能结束全部的系统发展与展示阶段(system development and demonstration, SDD)。美国国防部负责运营测试和评估的新主管Robert Behler在他的办公室的年度报告中...
F - 35联合项目办公室(Joint Program Office,简称为JPO)在2016年的时候就知道他们可能无法在2017年10月结束F-35的试飞发展测试阶段,他们估计今年的2月甚至5月才能结束全部的系统发展与展示阶段(system development and demonstration, SDD)。美国国防部负责运营测试和评估的新主管Robert Behler在他的办公室的年度报告中...
F - 35联合项目办公室(Joint Program Office,简称为JPO)在2016年的时候就知道他们可能无法在2017年10月结束F-35的试飞发展测试阶段,他们估计今年的2月甚至5月才能结束全部的系统发展与展示阶段(system development and demonstration, SDD)。美国国防部负责运营测试和评估的新主管Robert Behler在他的办公室的年度报告中...
The F-35 joint program office is considering outfitting the aircraft with an Automatic Ground Collision Avoidance System prior to the start of Block 4 modernization. Auto GCAS had been envisioned as part of the service's Block 4 follow-on modernization effort, but Lt. Col. Tucker Hamilton, ...
But flight testing of that improvement has not occurred, slowing the pace of a solution. The F-35 program office now says flight testing of a new cockpit pressure regulation system is planned for mid-2020. If all goes well, the deficiency should be completely elimin...
在Hostage说出F-35比F-22还隐身后,同年稍晚当时JPO (JSF联合计划办公室, Joint Program Office)的领头人Bogdan将军受访时肯定了Hostage将军的用词是指RCS:"...Hostage将军关于F-35和其他飞机(F-22)的隐身对比陈述是正确的,此外他的用词是指RCS没错..." ...
Brig. Gen. Dale White, who leads the Air Force’s program office for advanced aircraft, poured even more cold water on the idea of upgrading the F135 with AETP technologies during a Aug. 12 roundtable with reporters. “The technology that is inside AETP is very diffe...
who support maintenance, the supply chain, and the automated maintenance system known as ALIS (for Autonomic Logistics Information System). They also operate the ground-based training simulator. Representatives from the F-35 Joint Program Office, Pratt & Whitney, and Rolls-Royce also provide support...
is the Marine Corps declaration that their F-35’s are combat-ready was a premature publicity stunt. If the U.S. Air Force goes forward with its IOC declaration in August as planned, it will be nothing but window dressing as well. The F-35 program office already, stating nothing in the...
莫林准将要求洛克希德向位于兰利(Langley)空军基地的空军作战司令部参谋做进一步的简报,在进行后续简报前,洛克希德说服DARPA安排向空军参谋长麦克俾将军(Merrill McPeak)、海军作战长(Chief of Naval Operations)空战助理海军中将关立维(Richard Dunleavy)、国防部长办公室(Office of the Secretary of Defense)简报,由他们向...