F-106 Delta Dart F-111 AH-1G CobraBrazil/Italy AMX Aeritalia F-104S Starfighter Japan F-1 T-2 Other aircraft can accept M61 in the SUU-16 or SUU-23 externally mounted As part of the Phalanx Close-in Weapon System (CIWS), it is in service on most US Navy ships and many ships ...
CockpitIntegrated Flight Instruments Ejection Seat SystemZero-Zero AFCSAutomated Flight Control System Convair Flight TestEdwards AFB MA-1 & SAGEFire Control System F-106 FAQ and Trivia Common, and uncommon, questions asked about the Delta Dart ...
This page details the development, history, lineage and operations of the Convair F-106 Delta Dart, Single-Engine Supersonic Interceptor Aircraft, the Ultimate Interceptor, with technical specifications, photos and useful databases.
See how fighter jet cockpits have evolved over 65 years. From the F-106 to the F-35, the transformation is staggering.
CockpitIntegrated Flight Instruments Ejection Seat SystemZero-Zero AFCSAutomated Flight Control System Convair Flight TestEdwards AFB MA-1 & SAGEFire Control System F-106 FAQ and Trivia Common, and uncommon, questions asked about the Delta Dart ...
Read about the Single Engine World Speed Record still held by the F-106 Delta Dart Ultimate Interceptor the last of the Century Series Fighters of the Aerospace Defense Command.